Whenever I have to do a captcha where you must select all tiles with bicycles, I know I can just click through super fast, but I feel like that might make the website suspicious, so I purposefully slow down like “Geez, this is a melon-scratcher!” or click and then unclick a tile like “whoops, silly me, thats an umbrella not a bicycle!” And wiggle the mouse randomly a bit as if Im double-checking my work even when I know damn well I got all the bicycles in 0.67 seconds.
Basically I feel like I have to act dumb so the internet doesn’t think I’m a bot. DAE get this?
I intentionally answer wrong to confuse their AI model training. It does not work if the choice is obviously wrong, but if you do it with ambiguous ones, it lets you pass. Like if wants you to select birds, and the thing is just a bear that kinda can pass for a bird if you aren’t looking deeply, I’ll say it’s a bird.
Doing my part of destroying machine learning models.
I do exactly the same. They want me to work for them? Pay me
I freaken hate captchas. Goddam Google has put me through as many as a dozen before showing content. Audio captchas are faster, though. I get through on the first try with those.
How do you hear words through the screams of the tortured?
I read somewhere that those check box captchas read your mouse movement right before you click on it, so I purposely wiggle my mouse before ticking it to avoid the three image prompt. I don’t know if it actually helps, but I still do it
Before I started doingwhat you describe, Captha would fail on me multiple times. Sometimes I would have to solve 5 captcha in a row. Really annoying. How is ‘clicking fast’ not human enough if you do it with realistic mouse movement?
When I do it, I scratch my balls and then smell my fingers.
So in a way yes.Stop, you’ll give the bots ideas!
In all seriousness, I never fake anything. If I see a bicycle, I click it. Plus, I never need to fake my pauses, since the ones I get are actually bitch hard lol
Here you go - scroll down below the code, links to add extension to each browser. When you click the captcha, there’s a new button (person with a checkmark) at bottom right of captcha popup. Hit that, and wait a second or two.
The extension will work its magic and make the captcha go away.
No more wondering whether I should pretend to be human, or a bot, or if I need to slow down clicking thru.
Judging by the results, I act more like a robot when I see a captcha.
I usually start sweating then do “finger guns” at a random point in the room and say “Hey, working hard, or hardly working, am i right? Heh…eh”. The Captcha just goes away after that.
Yep. Even when clicking the single checkbox captchas, I try really hard to click it “just like a human would”. Which is weird, because I am a human. I think.
Our route to the beach goes through an immigration checkpoint. My friend says, 'ok everyone, try to look white." Captcha = ok everyone, try to look human.
I do surveys for money and get a lot of captchas to do them, and I always go slow or they say you’re speeding through it and disqualify you. So yes I do.
Like, how much money?
Honestly it’s only between 50 cents to 2 dollars for most but it’s added up to a lot over time for me and I’ve bought myself quite a few things I wouldn’t have without this little cash influx. It’s tedious as hell but I’ve made about 3K doing it.
what apps/websites do you use?
Qmee, Attapoll, Survey Spin, and Leger Opinion. They’re all apps.
Meh, I just try to click shit as fast as possible. I had to really slow down the other day though, because it wanted me to identify diamond bracelets. All the pictures were AI generated and it insisted that I had missed one every time.
It was a bracelet, sure, but it had painted wooden beads.
Am always solving them asap because I am interested in the contet after that. Usually am not asked twice.