I am not a doctor, but you should see one because that should not sting.
Non shampoo days?
Tropical Storm*
How do you hear words through the screams of the tortured?
No, it was a day trip and my job starts up again on Tuesday.
How’s your wood?
You put way too much trust into fake meat.
I missed the mark on going there, but it would have been cool.
The closest that I got was axe throwing.
Isn’t that also the equation for finding your youngest possible date? I’m 27 and according to that my lower limit is 20.5.
I’m not strong.
It’s an art museum?
To clarify: only Saturday.
Ghost commenting. Quirky stuff.
88bit does video game music, Aric Zair is a musician friend of mine who has been struggling, Aural Alliance is a Furry music label, Curtis Kam is a magician, Erin Snape is a young musician, Gavin Nascimento and Project Knowledge are conspiracy theorists, Hazy Rhythm Wonder Band exists, Holy Order of the Claw worships lobsters, mannfishh demonstrates microtonality, Nada makes art videos, Snazzy Starlight does synesthetic paintings, The Tuscany Documents does analog horror videos, and Tube Cody plays Rollercoaster Tycoon and Sims.
Has the face of a Brit, that’s certain.
This one is clever.
Offices are actually chill if you take out the cubicles and stuff. They are spacious, neutral, and have a bathroom and roof access.