I always forget about my naval. When I was younger I would never wash behind my ears.
Bottom of my feet. I’m really klutzy and the slippery floor is already a bit of a hazard for me without adding soap to the mix.
I assume they are washed by gravity.
You stand on water. Should be enough.
except water doesn’t move all those nasty water insoluble bacterias and grossness that soap makes more hydrophilic
These are the stinky feet havers, point and laugh!
The fuck you doing with your feet that you need them to be sterile
not having fungus
Do you already have underlying fungus issues? My guess would be that most people, myself included, don’t get overly crazy with washing their feet – some water and soap - yet don’t develop feet fungus either…
but u just said u wash ur feet this guy said he doesnt wash his feet at all
They do make none slip bathmats you can use in the tub to reduce the chances of slipping
I shove my foot into bottom edge of the bath and lean my hip against the wall bending my body. Lift one foot and scratch the fuck out of it with my fingernails. Switch and repeat.
This doesn’t work if your shower isn’t in a bath.
Eye ball
Which one?
Has to be my back. It’s hard to reach even with a back brush because of degenerative issues in my shoulder joints. I tried one of those scrubbers with the two ropes, but it’s hard to control. Need a bigger shower so my wife can wash it for me…and get my back while she’s at it!
mount the backbrush to one of the walls then scrub your back against it like a bear 😁😂
They make a scrubby cloth that’s like 4 feet long.
Dunno if this is good or bad for you. But I recently switched shower gel and decided to properly scrub my back. BOOM! 2 days later my back is filled with acne. I bust about a dozen spots that are now large craters in my back.
I never had that problem when I just let it handle itself while using bar-soap.
My skin. Depression sucks.
Sometimes I tell myself I’m gonna get in, soap up, rinse, get out, two minutes tops.
Then I’m just standing there in the hot water ten minutes later. Knowing l’ll be late for work if I don’t move. And just standing there, trying to somehow soak up enough heat to internalize the comfort and make it mine.
But it’s not mine.
Maybe you could switch to evening showers?
Pros: luxuriate in there as long as you want, feel comforted, more sleeping in.
Cons: idk, I love an evening shower. Drying your hair before bed I guess?
I just slap on a hair wrap and let the hair dry by itself.
My building has unlimited hot water…
Legs and feet - I assume they get clean enough by the running water.
Same. The only time my legs and feet get scrubbed is in the bath. It’s just too awkward to balance in the shower. If I suffered from stinky feet, I’d do it, but I don’t, so I don’t.
My heart 💔
I never wash my eyeballs, it really stings so I avoid it.
EDIT: typo
I am not a doctor, but you should see one because that should not sting.
That’s weird, I thought it stings for everyone
What kind of soap are you using?
Anything stings really, even just water but that’s bearable
Oh that’s completely normal then carry on.
Is there any discolouration?
I don’t thinks so, they were always kind of blue
Aha. Classic case of blue balls. You should paint it Red to offset the issue.
behind my ears! I have to continuously remind myself to do it. just keep forgetting to do it for some reason.
A thanatologist once told me that lots of people don’t wash behind their ears properly.
I heard from secondary school at some point that it’s usually the dirtiest part of the body
But I don’t want to get my hair wet.
My legs and my feet, to be fair i mostly focus on my armpits and private parts
Legs in particular get a lot less attention from me in the winter as mine tend to dry out and become itchy even with moisturization.
The inside
Not always though…
Not so much cleaned … but thoroughly conditioned
Back of my neck! I always have a shower cap on on non shampoo days and I usually miss my neck.
Non shampoo days?
My head. I only wash my hair once a week.
My brain 🫤
Me penis.
Ahahahaha! Just kidding