I love it when my honey works from home. I feel so much better just knowing he’s 5 miles away instead of 50.
I love it when my honey works from home. I feel so much better just knowing he’s 5 miles away instead of 50.
The books were so good! My whole family plowed through them. Movie/tv had none of the…page turning excitement of Philip Pullman’s books.
CBG For migraines Works as well as my prescriptions work less side effects. Many people use it as a preventative.
My family asked for a pocket knife, guitar strings and picks, a pastry blender, shoe trees and shoe care items, and a hammock.
Flowers. Even a cheap bunch from the grocery looks nice for several days and reminds you that someone thought of you.
I used one note for work for a few years and it was good, but then i had a problem with it not always syncing correctly. Have you had that happen at all? I switched to Google drive but I’m wondering if i should go back to one Note.
American - in my life i think I’ve heard two people talk about gun collections. One is an idiot. The other one just mentioned it because she was telling me a story about moving her father-in-law’s things and getting stopped at a federal checkpoint with guns in her car.
I have a friend who teaches high school history and has traveled a lot. She’s great at this! I feel like i can talk to her about almost anything and she never makes me feel stupid.
I like her. She makes jokes, but seems to be very fair
I’ve been using zep, but i just ordered floor science from Amazon. I have stained concrete floors downstairs. I use Bona on the wood upstairs.
Despite all my rage I’m still just a rat in a cage.
I sort chips and waffle fries by size (or broken) and eat the smallest ones first, saving the big unbroken ones for last.
I do waffle fries one row at a time.
Some Spanish and a little Italian, but I don’t use it enough, so I still normally still think in English and then translate. I don’t really know how to describe what that feels like but I don’t think it’s auditory. Maybe there is a flash of a visual memory of the written words? Brains are so weird! This all started for me a few weeks ago when a co-worker was talking about something and said, “… your inner voice.” I got irritated because I thought she had just told me to use my indoor voice and the conversation went on around our office about who does and doesn’t have an inner voice. Since then I’ve been asking everyone if they hear a voice or see pictures. It’s really interesting how some people have one or the other or none or both. I think the 3 to 5% no-image thing is very under reported.
Is that how you write songs - by hearing then in your head first? I’ve wondered how musicians, artists, etc. produce art. I’ve started asking people if they have voice or images and most have the same reaction of shock that other people do or don’t.
I can think words or practice a speech in my head, but i don’t see or hear anything. Like how when you’re counting things, you don’t see or hear numbers in your head, you just count. I don’t know. I just learned in the last few weeks that some people do see and hear stuff.
I don’t know. The thought is just there. Like if you think about world war 2, you don’t see it or hear it…you just ponder the causes, casualties, etc.
Oh, with a song. I dunno, i just think of the words and try to get the verses right and feel like i want to sing it. What’s it like when you get a song stuck?
I lost my mom recently and it makes me sad that i can’t see her in my head. I ‘meet’ the same people repeatedly. I’m worried that i won’t recognize my family one day.
Snow days are the best! Also games, puzzles, occasional fancy dresses, puppy snuggles, etc