That guy sure is annoying looking.
I thought it was Kurt Angle
Defo Kurt Angle…
I did too ,without the scalp muscles
In a way, this is how property ownership works now. “Owning a home” is a license from the government. Obviously, you’re license will be revoked if you don’t pay taxes. Also if the government is overthrown, your deed won’t be worth much. (ask a Palestinian).
I’ve always thought it was weird that a person could own land. This is a ridiculous idea from a geologic perspective. IDK if it’s real, but I’ve heard that Native Americans though that a person claiming ownership of the land was like a flea claiming ownership of the dog.
The government doesn’t set the price of lots or land, that’s determined by the seller. A deed will still be worth its value unless total lawless anarchy takes over. If the government is overthrown, the price of land is only effected by the stability of the currency.
I guess OP meant won’t be worth much as in „when your government is overthrown, the new government might just kick you out of your home and strip you of your land“ as the current government is actually the only party giving you the right to claim ownership of the land.
Homie forgot the purpose of all of this is so we don’t have to defend our territories like wild animals. Property ownsership akin to this has existed since Ur. Law and the ability to enforce it is what keeps this viable.
Ownership is a legal fiction that doesn’t exist outside government.
Being able to occupy or defend something isn’t the same as owning either. A bear can defend it’s territory without property rights. A goose can shit in your front yard without an easement.
They say that, and to a degree it’s true, but we also spent millenia murdering the shit out of each other for being in each other’s territory
If a dog gets overly-infested with fleas, with no intervention, the fleas will win.
And such is the condition of the planet, overly-infested with capitalist-minded humans.
Owning land is like owning your phone. If Apple controls it more than you, is it really yours? If the HOA has more say, who’s home is it?
That’s just renting when the landlord sells the house.
Unless you live in a slightly more evolved country, where a simple ownership transfer is not enough to kick out the renters and you actually have rights. Here you need to prove that you either want to use it for yourself ( 2 years minimum, government checks up on that) or it is somehow damaged beyond repair.
It’s rather common here that people get paid 10-100k euros just so they move out of an apartment ( this is per flat/apartment, so numbers can get huge for bigger buildings) and the owner can sell the empty old building to an investor/developer. Shows what insane profit margins are still to be had, if they make profits despite that.
This usually happens with old and cheap buildings in now gentrified, suddenly fancy neighborhoods.
Shows about home “ownership” in 2040.
It’s called an HOA and taxes
I’m pretty sure this happens now with HOAs.
So like…rentals.
The same people will be owning the houses in 16 years, why would they change the terminology?
If only someone would start a lawsuit against this exact practice…
Stop giving them ideas
Own assets. Ownership can feel stupid in a world failing, but if you have money, buy assets. Actual things.
You all need to look up what a land lease is, and the havoc it can cause for condo owners in places like CA.
Home “ownership” on September, 9th, 2012:
“It is my sad duty to inform you of a four-foot restriction on humanoid height.”
“I hear the directors of Genetic Control have been buying all the properties that have recently been sold, taking risks oh so bold. It’s said now that people will be shorter in height; they can fit twice as many in the same building site (they say it’s alright). Beginning with the tenants of the town of Harlow, in the interest of humanity, they’ve been told they must go—told they must go-go-go-go.”