My friend, who is a windows and android guy, encourage his family to buy Macs and iPhones. That way when they have problems, he sends them to the Apple Store.
Same, I dont do Apple. Sorry Mom and Dad.
I mean, good idea ;) P. S.: I’ve yet to meet a Linux guy who wouldn’t help out another Linux person. Well, admittedly I’m the only Linux guy, but I’d help Linux people just because of principle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Been doing this for 2 decades. Works like a charm!
For really old people… I am more comprehensive. But man some people I swear… Like they ask me to help them with stuff I haven’t even used either, like I am going to do the same as you read, think and act. But some people seem to suddenly forgot to even know how to read or think.
That’s roughly half of the tickets in IT work.
For me was not grand parents but my dad was referring me ALL the time to other people that went to his workshop that I “know about computers” (almost is some sort of arcane knowledge). I remember once somebody approached me with the typical question:
- Are you the one that “knows about computers”?
- (cringing inside already) yes that’s me
- You know, I have this fridge that won’t cool…
I just left even before he finished the sentence. My dad later that day asked me why I was rude to someone (I know it was this guy). I just told him “imagine you know about cars and somebody asks you fix their fridge”. Didn’t even need to say more.
So for some people in my place, " knowing about computers " means arcane knowledge with nearly everything with a digital screen on it.
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I try to adopt the mindset that my loved ones don’t need me to be their tech enthusiast… But they need me to be their tech therapist.
“Oooo come here my favrite grandson i need help talking to my cosin of facebook” opensphone 6 pop ups *One number that keeps calling from “life lock” *
Please let your grandparents know about scams.
I relate so much with this meme.
I actually enjoy being the one who helps with tech, it helps me spend time with my grandma and family members who normally just keep to themselves.
hums Sound of Silence
I’ll upvote anytime I see a little chihuahua
What about a big Chihuahua? I used to have a 30 pound dog that was 65% Chihuahua.
If it would bring my grandmother who passed away some thirty eight years ago back among the living and provide me with but a humble single day with her, I would gladly set up that phone.
As frustrating as it can be, some day you’re going to miss getting those phone calls. 😢
Damn my grandparents didn’t live to see smartphones. I’ve never thought about that.
Finally, the moment has come to show my inner technical support.
I would love to help my mom again with her computer. Or her phone. Honestly, I just want to see my mom for whatever reason.
I miss my mum so much. She’s not dead I just haven’t seen her all day.