Put this “guy” on a list ya’ll, he’s about to blow.
Put this “guy” on a list ya’ll, he’s about to blow.
It’s wild how many people use 80s action movie as their basis for their understanding of the world.
It looks like two guys trying to prevent Michael Reeves’ latest experiment from going live.
If you believe televangelists, then that needle eye is bigger than the Sahara.
It’s pretty much speculation based on a probability that includes the chance to hit a narrow ring of places along earth’s surface, but we don’t know how dense it is, although we’re relatively sure it’s solid, and whether other debris will change its path before it remerges in 2028. It has no risk factor to us until 2032, just in case people are wondering why reputatable science journalists aren’t completely poopooing the narratives of other outlets. We’ll know what it eats for breakfast by 2029.
Engagement mugs have gotta be the worst.
“JASPER!!! HORUS!!!” Is permanently accessible in my brain as a soundbite lol, she was a great voice actress.
I see where you were going with it, but yeah, I didn’t mean to imply an outdated scientific conclusion. Honest misunderstanding
Internet historian: I found this cool article, so I plagiarized the whole thing, and the rest of my content is subtle dog whistles.
There would certainly be less skepticism about evolution if everyone could see fetuses during development.
I ain’t made no fish baby, I knew you cheated on me.
Jafar would definitely charge a lot of overtime.
Not yet, I had to start over because I clicked a new spot in the video before it loaded, and that is a mortal sin.
Very true, unfortunately if something makes money other companies will line up to copycat even if the real product is licensing they don’t have full access to.
Oh no, real player has plucked a chord in me I’ve long forgotten about too lol.
I still find it strange that windows media player classic consistently works better than every new media player they’ve introduced since. It seems like if you make OS’s you cannot simultaneously make a good media player, eg. Quicktime/itunes/wmp/groove
Worth mentioning as well, depending on how much radiation increased, radon, thorium, and uranium are naturally abundant and tilling deep into the ground over radon for example is definitely going to raise ambient background levels in the area.
Kinda wild what slipped through to kid-acceptable content lol. I still remember the cell saga of DBZ as particularly freaky to me when cell form 1 was going around stabbing regular people and sucking them into his tail. My sister had a similar moment with the thriller video because Jackson’s contacts were scary.
Any repercussions for mass social murderers is a positive change, you’re whooshing the point majorly that shit doesn’t work as is. You seem to be happy with the current situation, which is about as tone deaf as can possibly be in this era. Your ad homs aren’t doing your virtuous warrior persona any favors either. Cringe.
It’s a super easy trope to default to. It’s basically removing the chaos from mental scenarios to make it more palatable and voiding the evolutionary utility in having those thoughts in the first place. Seems like it’s more or less a coping mechanism for things likely to be out of our control.