Tell me more about these “spells”, which occur in limited numbers, are capable of long-range attacks, deal explosive & powerful damage… and can only be performed by someone who has the proper equipment and spends time in advance preparing them for use? :-D
I loved Outlaw Star! Such cool world building!
no… no! Don’t remind me of Outlaw Star!
I’ll need to watch it again! It’s been so very long. It is such a core part of my aesthetic & genre preferences since I first saw it as a teenager, but I haven’t seen it in a good while.
Why does this remind me of a lightsaber? Oh yes I see, it is the personal love and craftsmanship of its construction, noice:-D.
Damn, Harry Dresden is not aging well.
Artificer is in the house I see…
Dresden Files. They never expect the .45
Harry Dresden approves this message
Is this an American remake of lord of the rings?
deleted by creator
I’ve heard about a spellsword would this be a spell rifle?
The Spifleman’s Creed
Worshiping Mystra by day and Gond by night.
Dodge this you filthy casual
I’m waiting for people to just mod a fucking .45 Caliber into Baldurs Gate 3 so I can blast Gortash in his fucking head the first time I see him
Try Arcanum if you havent
Shoulda checked like 3 weeks ago. They had you sorted already.
I am so much ready for Artificer dlc. I am ready with every fiber of my being
Came here to post this, damn.
I had no idea this existed but now Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards is top of my to-watch list.
Wingardium leviosa real quick
Project Warlock 2 looking pretty good!
This would make a great back tattoo.
Be the change you wanna see in the world