Pretty obvious sabotage imo
Pretty obvious sabotage imo
Well in this case the front fell off by all means, I’d just like to make the point that that is not normal
Trump take egg :,(
What colour is that then maybe a nice light tiffany blue?
Oh look - more fraud. You know, from the fraud guy famous for committing fraud all the time.
I fucking hate this melon guy, you know
One million percent this guy walking around with a jumbo sized plug up his butt hole, ‘large masculine insertions’ open in 175 tabs at all times
Jeneral impression, zize and zhape
Yeah that’s the conclusion isn’t it
Like idk it’s pretty fucking obvious that turd and soup are foreign actors imo, like in the traditional sense. It’s been pretty fucking obvious for a while, like weeks, months or years depending on your perspective I suppose. The question seems to be at what point does the weight of this fact break through the roof, so to speak.
Hey it’s pat finnerty big up my dude
Once again for those at the back: every accusation is an admission
Good point, and a great example of how assumptions about use of language can easily shape thoughts and opinions
Gaslighting narcissists are likely to repeatedly gaslight under any circumstances, including where a more reasonable person would not do that
Yeah actually not sure I’ve ever seen the complete comic tbh
“The tube is full of Arsenal fans, Drayton park is closed and the pubs are full of home fans. Is there an Arsenal game on?”
Fuckers going to be arguing with you all the way to half time “bro if they call the game off now it technically won’t have happened”
If it looks like a duck walks like a duck quacks like a duck then it’s a fucking duck