Gaslighting narcissists are likely to repeatedly gaslight under any circumstances, including where a more reasonable person would not do that
Gaslighting narcissists are likely to repeatedly gaslight under any circumstances, including where a more reasonable person would not do that
Yeah actually not sure I’ve ever seen the complete comic tbh
Yeah you know, cover the cover - wasn’t this a cover for removing us intel programs to counter Russian election interference?
What a bunch of pricks
Okay this is the real news isn’t it? Do you think the theatre with Zelensky was simply a cover for this?
I hate 2fa so much, I never thought they would come up with anything more irritating. Little did I know.
This is one of those clips I just don’t really want to watch, you know? Like two beheadings one cup sort of thing
‘Zelensky’s meeting with turd and soup degenerates into shitfight as turd shits himself and falls off his chair while VP soup almost chokes on his own tongue and has to be resuscitated by marshals’
It’s pretty safe to assume the exact opposite of anything Elmo says. Think of it like the inverse Cramer.
It’s the half hour that’s important, really
Very gross, in fact
Oh right here we go
Oh wow who could have predicted this
🧐 I see I see thanks for the explain
Who in the fuck is still buying this shit I can’t imagine the crossover between afd voters and electric car buyers is particularly big to be honest
Could give him a wee coat, especially if it’s going to be cold overnight :3
A few reasons, but most probably because the party doesn’t really care about children at all. In this context, ideas like ‘family values’ or ‘protecting children’ are used as tools to appeal to the emotions of the uninformed potential voter, and as bad faith arguments to undermine more serious political views and policies. In the context of passing legislation, these ideas are often used as ‘set dressing’ to make it harder to oppose bad policy. For example, calling an online censorship bill a ‘child safety bill’. The bill has nothing at all to do with child safety. The name is simply designed to affect uninformed casual perception, and to tar opponents in a similar manner. These people don’t care about children. They care about money, maintaining power to get more money, and having a lot of people struggling financially so they can be easily exploited to get more money. They are mentally unwell. Unfortunately there appears as yet to be no consensus on why people like this should not be in charge. I’ll let you know if I think of anything, please do likewise.
Good point, and a great example of how assumptions about use of language can easily shape thoughts and opinions