I want a Speed Queen. They’re way more expensive than your standard machines, but there’s a reason you find them in laundromats everywhere. They’re built to be abused.
What do people even do with their wifi appliances? Throw the load in and say Alexa start the washer? How is that easier than setting it yourself?
But I wanted a washer dryer that had a heat pump drying system.
The one I got on sale also had an auto dosing tray for detergent and softener.
Genuinely very pleased with all the features my “smart appliance” has.
It uses less power, less water, less detergent. And it weighs and uses humidistats to not over dry my clothes.
The dumb ones that just work on set timers are less efficient than one measuring the load to decide how much water to use and when it’s dry.
I suppose I used to eyeball detergent but now a 40 wash bottle lasts me 50 washes.
Long warranty on it I hope I’ll never have to test. But it’s there.
To get that I ended up with a WiFi enabled machine and just never put it on a network and turned its own broadcast off.
I occasionally set a time on it. But genuinely throw in the clothes, push 2 buttons, and walk away.
Any appliance that can now be a heat pump instead of an element, or actually measures things instead of using timers is a genuine improvement. Even if it’s fairly rudimentary still.
The biggest advantage is that it sends you a ping when it’s done, and can send you a message about the need for routing maintenance, like changing filters or refilling the detergent container.
Settings wise, it’s slightly easier to set from the app, since a telephone has better UX than a washing machine. Mostly I just leave it at “you figure it out” so it’s moot.
You can’t actually start it remotely unless you press a button on the machine first, just send settings to it to activate by pressing start.
I got one of these after my Samsung literally caught fire and it is… fine. Kinda small, loud, and beeps incessantly sometimes when nothing is running to the point I have to unplug it at night lest it go off at 4am again. Has yet to explode so soft recommend from me
I want a Speed Queen. They’re way more expensive than your standard machines, but there’s a reason you find them in laundromats everywhere. They’re built to be abused.
What do people even do with their wifi appliances? Throw the load in and say Alexa start the washer? How is that easier than setting it yourself?
I don’t connect mine .
But I wanted a washer dryer that had a heat pump drying system.
The one I got on sale also had an auto dosing tray for detergent and softener.
Genuinely very pleased with all the features my “smart appliance” has.
It uses less power, less water, less detergent. And it weighs and uses humidistats to not over dry my clothes.
The dumb ones that just work on set timers are less efficient than one measuring the load to decide how much water to use and when it’s dry.
I suppose I used to eyeball detergent but now a 40 wash bottle lasts me 50 washes.
Long warranty on it I hope I’ll never have to test. But it’s there.
To get that I ended up with a WiFi enabled machine and just never put it on a network and turned its own broadcast off.
I occasionally set a time on it. But genuinely throw in the clothes, push 2 buttons, and walk away.
Any appliance that can now be a heat pump instead of an element, or actually measures things instead of using timers is a genuine improvement. Even if it’s fairly rudimentary still.
Not everything is worse if it’s more complicated.
I have a wifi washer and dryer.
The biggest advantage is that it sends you a ping when it’s done, and can send you a message about the need for routing maintenance, like changing filters or refilling the detergent container.
Settings wise, it’s slightly easier to set from the app, since a telephone has better UX than a washing machine. Mostly I just leave it at “you figure it out” so it’s moot.
You can’t actually start it remotely unless you press a button on the machine first, just send settings to it to activate by pressing start.
I got one of these after my Samsung literally caught fire and it is… fine. Kinda small, loud, and beeps incessantly sometimes when nothing is running to the point I have to unplug it at night lest it go off at 4am again. Has yet to explode so soft recommend from me
Why would you abuse a washing machine? How much do you have to wash that such a machine would not be a complete waste of resources and money?
You don’t buy a truck just because every container is moved by trucks when all you transport is yourself and a bag.
Not a Texan, I see.