I’ll start: KXNG Crooked - Order 66 (Musar)
If you’re into lyrics, syllables, cadences, and wordplay, this song is for you.
my brain won’t stop playing nerd vs geek by rhett and link
I had no idea listening to a single song on repeat was such a thing.
I don’t do it often, but I get real into it when there’s wordplay and figurative language that makes me think.
Plus I couldn’t find the lyrics to it, so in this case I did it to make sure I wasn’t missing the bar intricacies.
Igualito Es - Alma Corázon y Vida con Claidio Moren
I got into Peruvian Psychedelic music from the 70’s last year.
Welcome to the Internet… that shit is just too damn catchy
The Specials - Message to you Rudy
Symarip - Skinhead Girl
ska opens the soul
Vince Geuraldi, ‘Cast Your Fate To The Wind’
Very chill.
Alfadhirhaiti - Heilung It’s hypnotic.
Everything heilung does is hypnotic :)
Just Cannibal Corpse in general, currently listening to their entire discography.
Heard this for the first time on a music game on steam I played through; turns out its quite old but I got addicted to the chorus super quick. It’s absolutely amazing.
No Plan B - Manafest
Gator - Jeremy Olander
Jfc, Bringer of Vengeance by Kataklysm
Brutal as fuck. I’ve played the song about once a day, every day since I heard it last year.
However! Vitriol has Shame and its Afterbirth that is quickly becoming just as brutally annoying to my household lol.
Superhero, by Kormac. It’s a little out there, nothing I could actually describe as lyrics, but it makes me dance a little in my seat.
Remember the Name (feat. Styles of Beyond) - Fort Minor
Farewell by UNKLE.
Heard it on a Blacklist episode last night and can’t get it out of my head. Had me in tears. Downloaded it immediately.
I don’t normally listen to rap, but ngl that song does slap.
I’ll throw in something completely polar opposite that I’ve been listening to a lot again lately. Chill vibes; not sure if I can call it EDM or what exactly it falls under.
Bouncy. I read “Dom Dolla” and immediately thought Dame Dolla (Damian Lillard) so I was like “Oh this gonna have a Dame verse?!”