Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000::Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games is releasing a ship bundle for its controversial space simulator that costs an eye-watering $48,000.
I know it’s not the same, but you could just play elite dangerous which is an actual game, and you can get new ships through a crazy new innovative mechanic called “playing the game”
I like elite dangerous but I don’t like that you have to spend hundreds of hours grinding just to accomplish even the most minor gameplay advancement. No Man’s Sky and Starfield are more playable space games that that grindfest. I wish someone would just remake elite dangerous for normal people.
It really depends on what you want from your game. I happily spent hours in my lil hauler playing space trucker, and the only real thing that’s changed since then is I have access to bigger space trucks. I’ve been on a big exploration run for the last 80 or so hours of playtime and I’m enjoying being able to just relax and exist in my lil virtual spaceship. I don’t need to feel like a number goes up every session, but I’m a weirdo.
I used to hunt griefers in my Black Friday skinned Mur-de-Lance w/ a Huge Particle Cannon and tuned yaw slip to kite and atomize those assclowns for profit. Hit my first Elite that way. The second was Void Diamonds, grinding for those “gonna be SO cool” flagships. I nearly made it the full trip with the whole gang doing the massive trek to the edge and back, but RL got in the way, so I’m not Triple Elite, and you know what? If it weren’t for the Silverbacks group (OGs, chill and welcoming, no pressure, from for RP and what TF ever, but always got your back), I don’t even know if I’d have played as long as I did.
You keep truckin’, space cowboy. 🤙🏼
Too bad NMS is boring and Starfield is even more boring
As someone who logged an unhealthy amount of hours in E:D, tricked out the computer chair with vesa mounts for a Warthog HOTAS and coded hundreds of macros and voice attack triggers (and a whole set up for an Index) only to give it all up when Frontier dropped the ball on atmospheric landings (their initial offering was complete shite as they thought that the “community” wanted political intrigue and inter-factional complexity — which we did, honestly, but they delivered shit there, too). Hell, I even came back for a minute, hoping the flagship update was gonna be The One… But, they locked that into a fucking grind with specialized fuel, etc., too.
Shame on E:D, but fuck Star Citizen.
I can’t overstate how disappointed I am in Frontier for completely abandoning Elite in the name of making more zoo simulators. Such a fucking cop out and I hate it.
Mile wide and an inch deep. That’s Elite. Beautiful game, huge grind.
My man. We live in the age of OnlyFans, TicTok, and Twitch. People out here getting money for feet pics, doing stupid pranks, and pretending to be NPCs. You should know that people will spend money on everything. Just go with the flow and figure out how to make some money.
Gramps, did you just spell that “TicTok”? 🤦🏽♂️
To be fair, who gives a fuck how that shitty platform is spelled
Ikr? He clearly never ate tictacs
How is elite dangerous these days? I was playing no man’s sky which has been continually updated since release yesterday and my bf was badgering me that I could play that instead. I was trying to explain to him that I was having fun playing this and want to play this and he was insisting that elite dangerous has been updated and is so much better. Honestly it was so annoying but I wanted another opinion on how it is as a game lol
Honestly I haven’t played in quite a while and was just a space trucker so my opinion really probably doesn’t count for much but if you already own it I would definitely boot it up and give it a few hours and see if it works for you
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It’s not even comparable to Star Citizen, and I feel bad for anyone who gets suckered into believing otherwise.
I know right, they’ll never those 2 hours back
They could have spent it mindlessly doomscrolling.
But they DIDN’T KNOW! They just didn’t know…
Some poor fuckers are getting fleeced.
If you can afford to spend $48,000 on a video game, how is that getting fleeced?
Like, OK, maybe some idiot mortgages their house for this. Bad spending decision. More likely, anyone who looks at that ticket price and thinks “fair deal” is already a millionaire, and quite welcome to do whatever the fuck they want with their money.
Virtual ships certainly cost a lot less to operate than a Lambo or a boat.
It’s like any amount, there’s people that can properly afford it, and others that will beg, borrow and steal to buy it for the prestige and hurt themselves and others to do it. It’s the latter where the harm lies.
They’re being scammed. They are getting next to nothing for inordinate amounts of money. They might not be financially poor, but they’re being taken advantage of. Like NFTs, just because the fraud is mainly being bought by millionaires you don’t stop calling it a fraud. And just like NFTs and gambling there will be a percentage of people who can’t afford it who will hurt themselves and their innocent loved ones because con men are willing to abuse their addictive personalities to make them fall into debt and have them pay for nothing.
Never play Star Citizen, even if it somehow becomes playable. Got it.
The game costs $45, for the record. For an MMO. With no subscription fees.
WOW costs $155 per year.
Yeah, this is what I keep telling people but nobody wants to listen.
Once the snowball effect has taken hold, it’s next to impossible to reverse.
I fully expect us to see SC detractors to vanish into thin air like those who voted for George Bush Jr. once the game launches and everyone is playing it.
It’s fucking Stockholm syndrome with you people and that game. I tried it for a few weeks. You constantly run into huge game breaking bugs that, when you google it, people say ‘yeah its been like that for years here is the 20 minute work around’.
There. I got that argument from you out of the way. Games aren’t in alpha for over a decade and rake in half a billion dollars and not manage to crank out a working product. Thats not how this works. There are 2 options. Its a scam or they are morons.
WoW works.
That’s a incorrect comparison. You’re treating WoW and Star Citizen to be similar games. When WoW for more than a decade has been in its own premium bucket.
The average MMO today is free. Then the small percentages of MMOs that require the core game purchased.
No MMO is free. The question is just how you’re paying.
Servers cost money no matter what.
GW2 is free and FFXIV is also free up to storm blood or shadowbringers expansion. How much content is there in Star citizen again?
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If it’s $45, how are people spending $10,000 on it?
Same way people spend thousands on games that are “free to play”. What kind of a rock have you been living under? People routinely spend $10,000 on mobile games.
Yes, you can buy spaceships for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. You can also buy those same ships using money earned in game. This is not the first or last game to do this, and it’s really weird how every time a pointless article gets written about it for cheap clicks, a bunch of people suddenly want to pretend that they’re only just just encountering this phenomenon for the first time.
Genshin and league of legends are both free, how do you think people (collectively) spend millions on them year over year?
Remembering when it was not yet released, thinking “This looks kinda cool, but the business model looks terrible”. Seems it got much worse.
Not real life money right?
I can only assume you’ve no idea what Star Citizen is. 🤦🏽♂️
Bless his heart.
Is it that one bad game where you explore random planets?
I’d be willing to pay with real life money if they were real life spaceships.
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Cap’n i see the whale thar she blows
At the time of this article’s publication, Star Citizen had raised $658,161,596 from more than five million accounts.
The game has not even officially been released!!
That $48K can get you a real plane though, or boat. But maybe someone paying that for ships in Star Citizen has both already 😅
48k for a plane or boat? Good luck with that.
Something like this, there are more selections within that range on that site,
Or these
Neat you can get a shitty plane in need of a major overhaul.
So, you’re not accounting for the required training and licensing to operate those, I take it? FYI, even if you “fast track” the training and go straight for the written exam that precedes logged flight hours (sim and real, both), you’re still looking at ~$30k just to be allowed to fly. Then, there’s the routine (& frequent) maintenance, storage, fuel, etc.
Sure, you can buy a cute li’l death trap for <$50k, but it’s a lawn ornament without licensing.
Don’t get me wrong: fuck Star Citizen sideways with an alien chode tumor. Just, don’t point to garage-tier aviation “solutions” as a fair comparison. 🤗
If you can afford to spend 60k on a video game, you can afford to get a license and a plane, I’m pretty sure…
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To be fair, I’m uncertain whether you can actually complete that purchase legally without being licensed yourself or a licensed pilot under current contract. 🤓
To be fair…
Wait, in real money? Or like video game money?
Real cash.
If you are rich enough to afford to pay for this, you’re too rich.
A few of the most broke-assed people I know in my gaming circles are all in on this game. The rest of us tried to gently prod them away but it’s like a cult.
It is 100% a multi-level-marketing feeling I get from the active players that keep trying to reach out and get us in on it. I’m talkin late 90s Quixtar MLM pyramid scam feels.
Landowner class spends that kind of money on larks its nuts but like those people should be seperated from their money imo
This kind of news really allows me to know which games not to play.
At this point you don’t need to do a lot of research to know to stay away from Star Citizen
unfortunately by todays late stage mercantile economy this is just a bad deal
Game cancer
I hope an underground software liberation group (cracking) can make this software accessible for everyone.
It’s $45 to buy the game outright.
The gamer careful with his money has already bought Elite Dangerous on sale for less though. Even $45 for what is currently being offered is embarrassing.
It’s a start, but we can do better. Well, someone out there can! I’m patient lol
It’s an MMO, so that would require hosting private servers and figuring out how to redirect the game to those servers. Not likely to happen.
It’s not like every other game out there has private servers or anything…
Yea reverse engineering they’re servers would be a lot tbf, but who knows, crazier things have happened
Redirecting wouldn’t be challenging. Redirecting in a turnkey manner and requiring minimal effort on the part of the user?
Ah yeah. Shits tricky.
Honestly, at this point, if you buy this you and SC deserve each other, have fun.