Steamboat Willy in “Steamboat Willy Recites Racist Quotes from Walt Disney”
I hope so 🙏🙏🙏
Who knew twitters username on Lemmy was gibmiser
I predict a complete overhaul of our trademark and copyright laws that will accommodate Disney’s desires.
You know… Basically what they did last time.
Too late for copyright laws, it’s in the public domain and can’t go back afaik. Now trademark laws can be interesting.
Oh, they already managed to “fix” copyright retroactively once.
Actually SCOTUS ruled that extending the copyright pulls it out of public domain in Golan v Holder. Congress passed a law that put some literary and musical works back into copyright from the public domain. A case was brought by some educators and musicians that the removal of these works from the public domain infri get on their free speech, but the Court disagreed 6-2.
I forsee a Trademark problem that many didn’t expect, and Disney trying to defend their copyright by saying that they used the same version in a Mickey Mouse cartoon in 2023.
I foresaw the trademark thing and so have many others. But that doesn’t restrict as much as the recently-expired copyright does. Mostly the continuing trademark means that one can’t use the Steamboat Willie Mickey Mouse in a way that misleads people that your own work is by Disney.
About the thing about Disney claiming that because they used Steamboat Willie Mickey in more recent woks they can still claim copyright protections on elements of Mickey Mouse that were a thing in Steamboat Willie, I really don’t think copyright works like that.
All that said, Disney has a rabid legal team and lots of experience at lobbying congress. Who knows what they’re capable of. It’s possible they’d try to pull some major fast one and make copyright and/or trademark work differently than they do today.
In 2013 Walt Disney Animation Studios released a theatrical short called “Get a Horse!” which features 1920s era Mickey complete with archival audio of Walt as Mickey (and others who voiced him then) as well as renditions of other classic era Disney characters including Minnie, Pete, Horace, and Oswald. Heck, even the logo for WDAS in that sort is Mickey whistling in Steamboat Willie.
It’s a pretty decent short too, even if you know nothing about Disney. And it played before Frozen in the cinema, 4th highest-grossing animation of all time.
I remember at the time thinking whether they might be doing it to try and protect their rights. I’m no lawyer though.
Well the copyright has expired, there’s no defending it afaik. People can use it even if Disney is using it afaik.
Trademark is more like logos. It will be interesting to see what they will try to defend under it.
Didn’t they make a Steamboat Willie Lego set in the last few years? That renew it?
Yes, they did. Before that, LEGO also released blind bag minifigures for Steamboat Willie and Minnie Mouse. I’m currently designing a LEGO MOC to display my figures with a small rendition of the Steamboat Willie boat. (I purchase my parts used from BrickLink to reduce costs.)
Steamboat Willy porn
Rule 34
Help step-steamboat, I’m stuck in the washing machine.
Monetized rule 34 Mickey stuff.
A lot of Disney throwing its weight around as people accidentally overstep the bounds of copyright, trademark and other legal stuff like that.
Not saying Disney would be in the right. But Disney is bonkers for this kind of stuff, and they’ve got ridiculous amounts of money to spend in court.
Well the copyright expired, that’s why it’s now public domain. But the trademark is still there.
That’s why they worked him into one of their animated intro logos a few years ago.
A trademark (also written trade mark or trade-mark[1]) is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies a product or service from a particular source and distinguishes it from others.[2][3]
I would say an animated intro isn’t a trademark, and even then making a movie with that material isn’t copying someone’s trademark for your trademark. But this could get interesting.
A over hyped shitty horror games.
Just like the shitty horror movie for Pooh lol.
Massive amounts of rule 34
Ahh. It was copyright keeping us safe from that.
Steamboat Willie’s steamboat willy
A veritable orgy of uninspired crap taking advantage of the fact that people want to feel subversive but don’t actually want to subvert anything or say or do anything interesting, because all of those things are hard.
Basically the same thing as the Pooh-but-not-tigger comics you see posted on here that people pretend are funny.
Tbh when it comes to stuff like the pooh movie. I think that probably could count as fair use anyway. Ultimately I’ve been hoping for more things to enter public domain for historical preservation via piracy. Just look at Nintendo not only have they done nothing to preserve older games but they seem to go out of their way to make sure they get erased. Because how dare someone get a product you don’t even sell anymore. I just see these parody? films and think the only reason they exist is because copyright life has been extended for soo far that people are giddy that they can now use and distribute old content.
That is the thing I’m seeing the most this past year and it’s already starting up for this year - there seems to be little thoughtfulness being put into things online. It’s just a firehose of high-engagement, low-impact, low-thought chaff.
Edit: Saw this 2 posts after this one:
A lot of lobbying by Disney.
Hopefully this game
More lobbying?
Smash Bros. DLC
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I assume Newgrounds tracks what things you view to help curate their feed. Deleting cookies won’t help in forgetting you looked at that stuff.
Not sure what all data Newgrounds sells but there is no curating and unless you’re donating to a creator then there is no incentive to give them any personal information. They will just have your email, username, and a random IP from somewhere else in the world.
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