Assuming you don’t have any mental health issues make sure you make every day worth living.
If you do have mental health issues you should probably get that looked at by a professional.
If you feel like life is a drag, and you dislike it, change it.
Try a new sport, build that hobby project you’ve always wanted, buy a motorcycle, plan a boardgame night with friends family, try that fetish you’ve been eyeing your whole life.
Assuming you don’t have any mental health issues make sure you make every day worth living.
If you do have mental health issues you should probably get that looked at by a professional.
If you feel like life is a drag, and you dislike it, change it.
Try a new sport, build that hobby project you’ve always wanted, buy a motorcycle, plan a boardgame night with friends family, try that fetish you’ve been eyeing your whole life.
Don’t be a passenger in your own life.