Assuming you don’t have any mental health issues make sure you make every day worth living.
If you do have mental health issues you should probably get that looked at by a professional.
If you feel like life is a drag, and you dislike it, change it.
Try a new sport, build that hobby project you’ve always wanted, buy a motorcycle, plan a boardgame night with friends family, try that fetish you’ve been eyeing your whole life.
Don’t be a passenger in your own life.
It’s starting to. I think for me at least it’s because I’m missing checkpoints in life. Every year used to be its own well-defined column of paint on a canvas but ever since I started working, the last few columns have felt like one giant smear.
I don’t like where I’ve ended up so been trying to make my own goals and hobbies but it takes so much more effort than when most goals were planned for you in school. Perhaps something to add to the New Year’s resolutions…
My life has been falling apart. Divorce, unemployment, dying pets, friendships falling off, fights with relatives. There are new disasters every year so it never feels stale.
I can relate to this. My career and my home life has fallen apart this year, after finally thinking I was pretty secure in life. I’m getting ready to (probably) end up homeless again, lose my 450k house, lose my kids. But hey sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and roll with it, at least I won’t have this crushing weight of drama on my shoulders anymore!
I hope you figure out how to live more easily as well… life is too short to spend it stressed & depressed!
Thanks, buddy. This is a good perspective to have. Hope our new years are better than the last!
As you get older, it speeds up too!
I recognize it’s not quite New Years, but soon it will feel like I turned around and, crap! How is it 4th of July already?
Well, that’s how a calendar works, I mean there’s Monday every 7 days
2013 is when everything started to turn into shit for me. But even then, it was still a very unique year, and every year in the rest of the decade still felt pretty cool to experience despite being different flavors of hell.
And then the 2020s happened. Everything basically turned into a monotone greyscale life with even the slightest hint of smiles sucked out of my life.
Do you also make sounds like a chipmunk when you get really excited?