My wife and I started living together after 3 months, talking marriage at 6, and formally engaged at 9 months. We’ve been married over 6 years now.
I don’t have time for high school nonsense. I’m not going to burn 1+ years of my life on a “maybe”. The older I get, the better I learn what I want and don’t want.
We both had similar goals, or rather, goals that we could grow in together and not go separate ways. We had a shared sense of humor. My weaknesses were her strengths and vice versa. And we have activities we love doing together and things we love doing alone. It’s fucking great.
A major advantage of dating when you’re closer to 30 is that, for most people, you’re finally secure enough in your own identity to where you worry less about whether they like you and more about whether you like them.
If I had stopped to ask myself the latter question at 22, I would have saved myself the raging dumpster fire that was my first marriage because the answer was a resounding “No.” My first wife was a horrible person with very little to like. But back then I didn’t like “me” very much and I guess on some level I was afraid that no one else would either. Despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.
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As I near 50 my plan if I ever have to date again is just to wear a pin with my age and “single” on it and if anyone wants to know more they can ask.
clinical anxiety speedrun
My sister-in-law got divorced and re-entered the dating pool recently.
She skipped the big family Thanksgiving because the guy she was talking to wasn’t free any other day.
He flaked on her, lol.
Being free on thanksgiving wasn’t a red flag? Lmao.
Some people don’t have families. Being free on Thanksgiving isn’t in and of itself a crime.
What you just wrote would be a red flag for me.
My condolences.
A: “Hey, remember me?”
B: “Oh yeah, we used to date. You single now?”
A: “Yeah. You too?”
B: “Yeah. Wanna give it a shot?”
A: “Hmm… OK.”
Meanwhile my ADHD ass is like: “I really liked her we should go out again… Next season”.
Frieren be like
Are you about to have another intense burst of compatibility with a girl we never see again?
God dammit thats happened to me with the past like 4 girls.
Can’t really relate, because I am only 24yo. Rant incoming;
Though I am sort of reluctant to try dating. In the past, I tried dating apps but they yielded no results. The women I matched with all ghosted me. Really did a number on my self-esteem. Who knows? Maybe I’ve got the face for radio?
And in all honesty, it feels like I’ve got to abide by ridiculous standards. The likes of being buff and tall, owning a car and house, a 6-figure salary, etc. I am still studying and trying to get my bachelor degree. All of these requirements put a ton of pressure on me. Is every woman looking for that? Of course not—that’s not what I am implying. But from my personal experience it’s certainly starting to feel that way.
Not surprised why redpill content is booming. They’re not right, but there is truth to be found in some of their statements. In the end, I do introspection to identify my flaws and improve on myself. Nevertheless, even by doing all of that it feels like it’s never enough.
There are so many benign reasons you can reject someone.
Maybe you just deleted the app because you’re done with trying for now.
Maybe you like someone but move on because things just got serious someone else you found first.
Maybe you like someone but there’s some dealbreaker like distance or having kids or something else random they have a bias about.
Maybe you reject someone without thinking there’s anything wrong with them, you just don’t feel compatible.
And yeah some people will reject you because you’re not rich or your looks aren’t perfect, that happens too, but only a small percentage of people are rich or look perfect, you just have to make peace with not being that. Just about everyone else is in the same boat.
Don’t let incel types cause you to shape your impression of why you’re being rejected and turn it into a reason to hate a whole gender. Some of them have shitty standards, sure, but don’t turn it into a rule about them. That leads to a downward spiral.
Don’t let incel types cause you to shape your impression of why you’re being rejected and turn it into a reason to hate a whole gender. Some of them have shitty standards, sure, but don’t turn it into a rule about them. That leads to a downward spiral.
Absolutely, I agree. What I was trying to convey is that to me it never feels like I am enough. I know rejection is part of the game. However, it does hit hard—it affects my self-esteem. That is my problem and I need to work on that.
Still, I think you can agree there is a lot of competition going on. It’s axiomatic that there are more men on dating apps than women. That leaves me at a disadvantage. To make matters worse, these apps are designed to judge someone based on looks. I am pretty fit, though nowhere near extremely strong. Just plain average.
I don’t blame women for choosing the top percent of men on these apps (if the roles were reversed I would’ve likely done the same). Yet for someone the likes of me the only winning move is not to play.
Also, I am no misogynist. I don’t abhor women for being rejected. They don’t owe me anything. That is not to say that I don’t find the process of finding a love companion difficult.
Wish you a wonderful Happy New Year bud!
Yeah, it is rough, but keep in mind dating is hard for most people so it’s less of a you problem than your brain want to make it feel like.
And don’t think of it as being a “top” person or not. It’s healthier and more accurate to think of it as compatibility. There’s not a linear scale of people. When someone’s interested in you (for the right reason) it’s because you work together as people, not because you’re the best person they can get and vice versa.
You’re not misogynistic, but watch out for the people who try to portray dating as more adversarial than it is so they can profit from amplifying our insecurities.
The problem with dating apps is about the app themselves mostly. They promote shitty behaviours.
When you’re ghosted, it çan be from 3 reasons: you’re actually ghosted ; the person is no more on the app ; the person didn’t really looked at your profile, or it has too many matches.
It is very hard on self esteem and on your appreciation of the other sex.
Dating apps are crap. You literally have a higher success rate walking up to a random person at a bar than with a first message on Tinder. They could be a good tool, but we live in capitalism so they are made to extract as much profit as possible, even if that means promoting toxic, mental-health-crushing behaviours.
It’s important to understand that being on dating apps is not the same as dating in real life. We often see people in more superficial ways on apps and judge them in a way we wouldn’t necessarily do in real life.
Women looking at men that way in dating apps is definitely a reflection on how they do in real life but it’s amplified quite a bit.
Men are the same. How many times have you swiped left on a girl just because you didn’t think she was attractive? She seemed really cool and like someone you’d get along with but she just wasn’t attractive.
This again is a reflection on how men view women in real life but amplified. In real life you wouldn’t be that harsh.
It’s important to stay grounded and remember that everyone is just a stupid human who thinks they know what they want and may put high expectations on someone but often doesn’t take a moment to think ‘Am I all that though?’
How many times have you swiped left on a girl just because you didn’t think she was attractive?
Zero times. Always swiped right to increase my chance of getting matches. Didn’t use some hookup app the likes of Tinder either. Used OkCupid since I heard good stories of it at the time.
I am well aware I may be an outlier. I know other men certainly do swipe left.
Though I agree with your points. After all, we’re all thinking like troglodytes at times. We set unrealistic expectations. Think social media skewed our views of what’s realistic and what is not.
Man, I can relate, I was in a bad way when I was 24. I was very lonely and dangerously far down the incel path (though nobody called it that then) before I snapped out of it.
What I wish I had understood then is just how vast the bredth of human experience is. It may be hard to imagine right now given experiences you’ve had, but there are a lot of women who would be into you if given the chance. I know this is true because women are people. Quite a few of them are into men, of those quite a few are available and also yearning for a connection, and of those quite a few still are into some of your interests and particularly like various traits that describe you.
Rejection can be hard, but it only means it’s not just right just now for just her, not that there’s anything wrong with you.
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Oh hey it’s that redpill content they were warning me about!
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All I have seen is double standards whenever men’s issues need to be talked about versus women’s issues. Mental health issues, women pedophiles/predators versus men pedophiles/predators, or male SA versus female SA, military recruitments, physical risk jobs like ones at construction sites, women publicly allowed to get away with sexual harassment or roadside flirting, or men being called creeps for being nice to children but women are “inclusive” and never creepy, et al.
I thought you said men built this world. Now you have a problem with the way the world runs? Sounds like some pinko leftist feminist hooey.
All I have seen is double standards whenever men’s issues need to be talked about versus women’s issues. Mental health issues, women pedophiles/predators versus men pedophiles/predators, or male SA versus female SA, military recruitments, physical risk jobs like ones at construction sites, women publicly allowed to get away with sexual harassment or roadside flirting, or men being called creeps for being nice to children but women are “inclusive” and never creepy, et al.
Wait, I thought you said men built this world. Now you have a problem with the way the world runs? Sounds like some pinko leftist feminist hooey.
Probably not.
The problem with modern dating: you have to get a smell of them to find out if you’re compatible or not. Any metric available online is only going to do way more to fuck up your chances than anything. If you want to find someone based on shared passions it’s more than easy enough to just find them through going out there and being yourself. Easier said than done with alienation being at an all time high…