Jack Dorsey is not part of Bluesky, maybe you don’t get things because you don’t pay attention.
Jack Dorsey is not part of Bluesky, maybe you don’t get things because you don’t pay attention.
I just got a prescription yesterday and that didn’t happen so hopefully they don’t roll it out everywhere. I would find a different pharmacy.
Fuck the very idea of buying anything at CVS other than a prescription. Their prices are predatory high.
And I wouldn’t install their fucking app on Bea Arthur’s phone.
I’d die for Luna. Doesn’t mean much right now, but, still.
I’m fairly certain any publisher could charge advertisers more money if they could prove the ads are being watched or listened to. And the advertisers would be happy with that.
Why are frequent restarts healthy? Do you mean at a hardware level or for the OS?
Why would you need a home server in addition to your day to day desktop computer? I leave my desktop on at all times because it’s a Plex/ErsatzTV server, HomeAssistant server, web server for various utilities I’ve written, etc. It works great.
Nuke it from orbit.
Postgres is a more robust and better designed and developed product, also it’s not owned by fucking Oracle.
That’s a hard pass for me. I’d imagine the person who makes the decision about hiring you won’t even know if you’ve opted out because the data is gathered at the corporate level. But that’s just my guess.
Most of those firearm deaths aren’t school shootings. Sending your kid to play at a friend’s house where the parents have guns is a reasonable concern. Being afraid to send your kid to school every day because of a mass shooter is much less reasonable.
can’t even safely walk alone in public during the night or safely send your kid to school
This isn’t true, the media just makes it look that way. The instances of school shooting are very dramatic, but statistically, your kid is in more danger on the drive to school than from a school shooting.
Like so many others, you’ve mixed up general society with law enforcement. We defend the right for the Nazis to say their piece without being imprisoned. Running a business profiting from letting Nazis publish their speech is a choice, and not a necessary one. Using and supporting the social relevance of a social network that voluntarily publishes hate speech for profit is a choice, and not a necessary one.
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Spotify will force you to listen to an ad by pausing it if you mute the volume, then resuming it when you unmute.
I quit Spotify long ago so I don’t know if they still do it today, but they do have a way to force ads.
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There’s nothing wrong with sequels. There’s only so much worldbuilding and character development you can do in 2 hours. It’s a cool thing that a movie can start in an established world and not have to spend so much screen time building it from scratch.
Of course there are lazy and bad sequels, but there’s nothing inherently bad about them and it’s become too big of a meme to write them off reflexively.
10 or more years ago I would have said yes. But in this current version of capitalism, any powerful new technology will be used to benefit the very rich only, at the expense of the rest of us. It will hurt us more than help us at this moment.
Chris Cornell, Nothing Compares 2 U
There are a lot of well-meaning bots that bring posts here from other places, but they do more harm than good because we end up with a lot of low-quality posts that have been vetted by no one, and a low ratio of commenters/comments relative to a big flood of posts. So the result is a ton of posts with 0 or very few comments and low average quality.
If the only posts here were posts that someone decided was worth making, we’d have fewer, higher-quality posts, and more comments per post.
Also, with the quality of Twitter and Reddit deteriorating, it doesn’t help to import those shitty dying cultures here. We should be building new cultures.