Wondering how much of the Lemmy user base wouldn’t use an adblocker. If you do use one what other blocking do you use to circumvent data collection, YouTube and reddit front ends and things alike?
A lot of people. For many, it’s not even something they know exist. Even setting it up for them is a bother because of the occasional site it breaks, and the complete lack of technical awareness.
There’s also many of us who don’t use a laptop/PC to access the Internet.
There’s Android browsers with AdBlock. Mozilla is one of them…
firefox and ublock origin works on a phone just as well
I almost exclusively use my iPhone - I have ad blockers on it. AdGuard, Banish, and Vinegar.
Custom dns
I use uBlock Origin and Consent-o-Matic. Works like a charm!
Consent o matic is a new one for me. Thanks!
You’re very welcome!
One question though.
Can’t you enable a filter list on uBlock Origin that removes all cookie consents?
I think I have it on. It’s under “Annoyances”. Maybe it’s not as good since you have them both?
I’m sure there is, but tbh I don’t know how, since I don’t need it.
The way Consent-o-Matic works is that it accepts all, securely deletes all of it immediately before it can do anything. That way the site thinks you have all of it so it won’t ask again, but you actually get none of it.
All this plus removing the consent- and other pop-ups for you. A few of the nastier pop-ups might be on your screen for a tenth of a second or less as Consent-o-Matic gets rid of it for you, but otherwise it’s like they were never there to begin with!
Does it work better than “I don’t care about cookies”, if you’ve tried both?
deleted by creator
Yeah haha, there’s actually some nice block lists in the settings you can turn on.
Also region specifics.
What is the difference between that and “I still dont care about cookies”?
My mom uses Edge, told me not to block Facebook ads and clicks on most of the clickbait articles on her MSN home page. It’s like she WANTS them to collect as much data to sell and spy on her as much as possible 🤦
You’ll be surprised how many people likes ads, and likes how much they know about you.
I don’t agree, but I can see the logic in that. If you see ads anyway, why not see them specialised to you making them somewhat relevant.
Awful take I know, but it’s the reality for many people.
That’s not necessarily an awful take, to be fair. That is arguably to the benefit of the consumer, that they can learn about products that are relevant to them.
By default I’m using adblocker but when I notice I’m visiting a new site more frequently like wikis for games, I disable it and keep it off if the site is usable.
if the site is usable
Unfortunately most of them are in Fandom so that’s a big no.
I need to start doing this more. I just forget
People who aren’t trying.
I haven’t bothered yet because I don’t really frequent the types of sites where the ads get in the way (although my occasional Youtube visits are starting to convince me to use one).
I do use a plugin made by the EFF that blocks certain tracking cookies though.
This certain plugin, is it Privacy Badger?
That’s the one!
I don’t. I know they exist, and I could probably have one set up in under ten minutes, but I just don’t care.
And I know what they do. I know what they collect. I used to sell online ads for the local paper, geomapping and all that shit. They still know.
My wife, she plays mobile games where you get temporary boosts if you watch an ad.
You both know that good ad blockers let you whitelist some games?
I have 2 tablets, 1 to play the games, 1 to run the ads for those games. (And the ad tablet has nothing else on it)
I didn’t until recently. I wanted to give companies I valued credit, in some way. But, ads are completely out of control and it broke me so I started using ublock a few months ago. It’s so much better and I’m not looking back.
Plus, if it’s too many ads and too much tracking, maybe it’s my using the thing that’s the problem.
This is my exact feeling as well. Too lazy to worry about blocking the ads; too dissatisfied if I have to deal with too many ads.
Yea. And all the work and effort put into ad blocking maybe could have been better spent on working how to create spaces and platforms that didn’t require ads?
Can’t help but feel we have moved on from the expectation of things being free on the internet and that ad blocking fanatics are a little stuck in the past.
Y’know, I used to feel the same on that sentiment, but then I realized it’s like me saying “why invest in suntan lotion when you can stay inside on hot days?” But some people like to go out into the sun even in summer, so wearing suntan lotion is the smart, sane thing to do. Just because I like to reminisce about how nice it was to go for a jog in the winter doesn’t invalidate that people like to go to the beach in the summer.
I think we absolutely should expect and strive for a better, more free internet. But if you’re gonna tread the risky waters of the internet, then you should put on some adblock.
Some of us are ignorant though, so I’ll continue raw-dogging the internet and probably get my identity stolen again.
I don’t because I work in SEO and I need to see how some things just work to troubleshoot or find hidden gems from competitors.
However, on my home computers I absolutely do!
I don’t use any ad blocker, and I don’t care.
I don’t use an adblocker. 90% of the sites I visit don’t abuse ads. When I was younger I used to go to sketchy sites to watch content for free, but now I’m in a position where I can pay for the content so I do. The last time I pirated something was an anime because no streaming service offered it, I had to buy blu rays.
Also, I like targeted ads. Most of the time you can ignore them, but every once in a while they show you something interesting that you do actually want. I’ve picked up a few board games that way. I didn’t buy it through the ad, but it did cause me to start researching it.
90% of the sites I visit don’t abuse ads.
Damn so you don’t use YouTube?
I don’t use an adblocker when I browse in ios because I don’t know how to
Nearly everyone uses at least some level of adblocking. Pretty much every major browser blocks pop-up ads by default, so the people who are too lazy or computer illiterate to do anything other than the default are still going to have some ad blocking.
Internet Explorer 6 added this feature in 2001, so even your grandpa still stubbornly running his end of life Windows XP probably has a popup blocker.