Most of them? Generics are frequently the same thing from the same manufacturer with cheaper packaging and no/very little marketing. There are very few things I’ve ever tried that were noticeably better in the name brand.
Unless it’s Kroger, never buy Kroger brand.
Eh, Oreo’s are better than hydrox, at least the chocolate ones.
As far as I know Hydrox isn’t a generic, it was the original brand. Oreo was an imitation and came later, but store brands/generic even later
You are 100% correct. This commenter seems to have confused “generic” with “competition”.
That’s a placebo affect. Most generics are stuff that don’t meet the standards of the name brand, but is still fine to sell. Kind of a form of downcycling.
I don’t know that placebo is the right word (or if you just pulled that info out of your ass) but even if it was, if people consume the generic and just feel like it was the same, then who cares? It’s not like people are buying Kirkland chemotherapy, it’s some cookies or lotion or whatever, and our feelings about those things are totally subjective anyway.
And even with medicine - not sure about cancer treatments, but headaches cured fine with generic ibuprofen vs more expensive Nurofen™ or similar
Maybe there are a few examples of this, but in general this is just a blatant lie.
Any drugs. If you’re not familiar with medications, just look at the active ingredients. They’re most likely the same or very similar dosages.
Also, sleep aids are usually just diphenhydramine, aka Benadryl.
Vitamins and health supplements too. My mom works at a pretty big brand name one of them and they literally package the exact same stuff for a generic brand that’s half the price.
I told Latvian cousin to buy store brand potato. He laugh, I laugh. There is no store.
Why buy potato with name?
Potato already have name: Potato.
I once buy brand name potato.
I kid, I am poor and store no have potato.
What is store, comrade?
Recently I’ve been buying the grocery store brand cereals. They’re half the price and I honestly find them tastier and made with better ingredients. Kellogg’s quality has gone down the drain and it’s really noticeable when you switch over.
Really as long as they are labeled correctly and not like dairy treat vs ice cream it’s probably fine
labeled correctly and not like dairy treat vs ice cream
I mean, that is labeled correctly…
Something to do with milk fat percentages. And since it’s (relatively) expensive, once you go cheap enough they stop using it and legally can’t call it ice cream. There’s not enough cream to meet the legal definition
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The store by me has their own brand of pop-tart that’s got more icing and filling as well as being half the cost. They don’t have as many flavors, but they’re not shrinkflated to the point of being a sad cookie. Shout out to Meijer toaster pastries.
Birthday/Christmas cards
Nobody in this generation buys those. I’d guess nobody younger than boomers has a significant percentage buying them regularly.
I’m a zoomer and I both buy and love receiving those.
Frozen vegetables. They all grew out of the same earth, possibly even at the same farm. The only difference is the packaging.
The packaging can make a big difference though so make sure to use extra care with some no name stuff. The food inside will get freezer burned way quicker with a lot of the shittier no name packaging.
It’s fine to buy , but tastes differ A LOT. try it with same veggie frozen and fresh, you can taste the difference right away
The comment is comparing generic to brand-name frozen vegetables, not frozen to fresh vegetables
Most things but I just wouldn’t buy processed food branded or unbranded.
In Canada, No Name Brand. All the products are in non eye-catching packaging, and are quite cheap. They are quite popular with the college and university housing crowds.
Breakfast cereal 100%
I’d go out of my way to buy Malt-o-Meal cereals even if they weren’t cheaper. Marshmallow Mateys 4 Lyfe!
I don’t recommend the generic for mini wheats though. I tried it, and as someone who always seeks the store brand for stuff I was not impressed.
I actually like the generic mini wheats better. I much prefer the generic cinnamon toasts too. The name brands taste weird to me now, like they have too much iron in them or something. Tastes metallic to me.
I like store brand oat loops more than Cheerios. I feel like they are less powdery.
Hard to say. Gotta check the labels because I’ve noticed a lot of the store brand items (especially at Walmart) have known carcinogens in the ingredients.
To be fair, so do a lot of name brands.
You’re right. I was just referring to items where the generic version did but the name brand version didn’t.
I find many of my store brand (Publix) products are as good or better than the leading brands. Not all, but many.
But if you need a specific one, I’d say yellow mustard.
Publix is employee owned too, so I would rather buy their brand then others personally.
Worth noting that one of the daughters of the founder has a significant share of the stock too, and she’s kinda a right-wing chud
Holy shit, I didn’t know that. Thanks!
Publix Monterey Jack cheese is, oddly, better than the other brands. Like it’s the first one I ever tasted that wasn’t just rubbery nonsense. Their milk and butter we like, and their coffee is good.
Whole Foods store brands are all pretty good stuff.
I buy any brand of canned beans (I don’t buy refried beans, I refry them) or dry beans, unbleached white flour, egg noodles, fizzy water (though I do prefer Topo Chico, it’s a weak preference), sugar, and a lot of what we buy is fresh fruit & vegetables, they mostly aren’t branded.
For a couple of years, Kroger was selling some Ugandan whole bean coffee under its store label that was the best coffee I ever had.
It was perfect. And now it’s gone.
Publix has great cheese in general for decent pricing. But holy fuck did everything else get so much more expensive in the last 3 years. Over a decade ago, Publix prices were comparable to Winn Dixie and only slightly above Sedanos or Presidente. Nowadays Publix makes Whole Foods look like Aldi’s.
The fried chicken is still worth it though.
Yeah one of the odd effects of the food price inflation was a sort of flattening. The difference between whole foods and Publix just disappeared, I used to just get meat from whole foods (they probably thought I was a relentless carnivore) and food at other stores, but now it’s about the same price, so just get most of the food from whole foods. Publix brand dairy stuff is so good (and I remember when they were the only big grocery to push back against RBGH) but Whole Foods has a literal cheesemonger training program with state board exams, their fancy cheese area is ridiculously good.
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