A 16-year-old employee who died after getting sucked into equipment at a Mississippi poultry plant got the job using the identity of a 32-year-old man, a new revelation that highlights the ease with which migrant children are finding work in a dangerous industry, and the challenges companies face in trying to evaluate their true ages.
Duvan Pérez, who was hired to clean up at Mar-Jac Poultry in Hattiesburg, which supplies chicken to companies like Chick-fil-A, died on July 14. Within hours of his death, questions about his true age were raised by a local Facebook news site, and he was soon determined to be 16.
It’s illegal for minors to work in slaughterhouses, which the Occupational Safety and Health Administration considers among the most perilous workplaces in the country.
The number of children working illegally has skyrocketed across all industries, according to the Labor Department, nearly doubling since 2019. More than 800 child labor investigations in 47 states are ongoing across industries, according to the agency.
More than 800 child labor investigations in 47 states are ongoing across industries, according to the agency.
So when do the feds say enough is enough and implement severe penalties for all involved; ie: all profits the companies made x number of children working, charges/jail time for those who approved the kids to work? Cause whatever they are doing now obviously isn’t enough.
Never. Things are getting worse out there and this is what families are going to do to survive.
All we have to do to fix these problems is pass national universal healthcare, raise the minimum wage, and start building housing as fast as possible. Given that we are not going to do any of those things more and more families are going to send their children into the labor force.
Alternatively, we can look to the past and see how the labor movement pressured the government to ban child labor in the first place.
I think the greatest irony are the redneck ancestors of current conservatives, who even then were not known for being nice people, looking down with disgust as they grovel for scraps at the feet of con men from the city.
These were real country folk who were willing to literally die for fair wages. Now they just gargle, swallow, and ask for seconds.
That would require an act of Congress to implement nationwide.
And Congress hasn’t accomplished anything since 2010.
CHIP act, the Inflation Reduction Act, etc. Congress can 100% pass shit if most of the obstructionists are not in control.
Now why do I doubt that anyone of the bosses responsible for this hiring will be held personally accountable? I have a sneaking suspicion some measly fines (compared to company profits) will be the result of the vast majority of these ‘investigations.’
I hope I’m wrong.
You’re not wrong, and that’s the sad part. They just caught a warehouse here in Cincinnati using an 11 year old and a 13 year old to shift pallets, with one of them operating a forklift. The entire thing amounted to a $30k fine, for a company that makes multiple billions a year.
That’s the thing I can’t get. In all cases with minors illegally working, they have a boss or supervisor. And they’re just fine with that? They take it in their stride instead of taking it to the press?
I honestly can’t fathom it because all the supervisors I’ve had, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses, genuinely cared about me as a person. It was the corpo suits and execs that didn’t give a shit.
Christ, they need to thoroughly investigate these companies, because this highly suggests there’s more wrongdoing to be found.
“It’s very hard to convince a man of something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.” - George Carlin
-Upton Sinclair
Didn’t Republican controlled Save The Children states make this type of Child Labor LEGAL?
Yeah, “accidentally”.
this is very common throughout southeast asia. the company uses a staffing agency who is always looking the other way and nobody involved gives a fuck except the foreigner they hired from germany to run the plant.
Adam Conover has a nice short video on the rise in child labor:
It’s because we don’t turn away unaccompanied minors like we do adults at the border. So more parents send their kids alone or separately. If we were not as harsh with adults at the border, it would likely be a lot better.
Arkansas: He wouldn’t have needed to fake his identity here.
He is an undocumented immigrant so he did not really have ID of his own.
I get the sentiment though. Fuck Arkansas and their shitty child labor laws but this ties into a whole different issue.
I mean, it should get doable to get the difference between a 16 and a 32 y old person. The HR in there definitely could not give a fuck and played on plausibility
Whoever hired him should be put in jail.
So what made him not get a job somewhere a high schooler can work? Why use someone’s stolen identity to get a job?
As a guy who worked factory jobs starting at 14 years of age I can tell you why I worked a factory job.
They pay a lot more money than working your traditional high school job and you get a lot more hours especially if you don’t mind working under the table.
Now if you’re poor and want to help keep your family from starving and having a roof over your head, it’s a no brainer to work those jobs despite the risks.
Probably because these jobs pay better than a high schoolers job
They do, but in no way it’s a high schooler qualified for it. There’s an inherent risk that I consider all minors to be incapable of consenting to accept. Turn the wrong valve, and you’ll turn a controlled furnace into a raging fire. The operator needs to not only accept and understand that risk, but to keep a cool head and stop a safety incident from happening or getting worse. Having a kid in that position not only jeopardizes their safety, but the safety of everyone else there too.
When we do hazard analysis and consider the safety measures a plant needs, we don’t usually credit the operators as a layer of safety, but we do assume they have their wits about them when we consider what’s credible to happen. We don’t consider the possibility of them tossing gas onto a fire for instance. I don’t think a kid would do that, but it’s not out of question to think that a kid could accidentally make a situation worse compared to an adult worker.
Just because you don’t need more than a high school degree for a job didn’t mean the job doesn’t command respect. I find it’s the norm for operators to be way more knowledgeable than the new engineer fresh from college. Their experience gives them an intimate know how that is on par with studying the subject.
Yeah, I think that’s a given. Anyone should agree about that.
Because he was legally underage to work in the plant. And he may not have had ID in the first place.
If he didn’t have any type of info how could he attend school then?
You’re not required to provide an SSN to attend public high school. They can ask, but you don’t have to provide it.
Really? I thought you at least needed birth certificates
I have no idea.
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