I think he meant he doesn’t sleep with conscious women
I think he meant he doesn’t sleep with conscious women
I’m confused I thought it already was.
Call me a piece of crap Idc but this brings me joy it sucks for people who didn’t want this to happen but makes me smile and want to lick the tears of those who voted for trump only to find out their families may possibly be effected
Someone please correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the democrats start the KKK and were they not as religious? Or is there something else?
Also does modern kkk still burn crosses?
I agree fuck him he wasn’t bad but boy did he lack a spine
I’m really confused how can one judge stop this
I see Mario with big tits
Out of curiosotiy where would something like 3D printing be placed?
I agree, I’ll be honest that’s why I use these apps. Because when I’d try to just talk to a girl in person and be friendly I get the sense they think I’m either being creepy or want to get in their pants. When I’m just an introvert just trying to start up a conversation lol
what exactly is that? I looked it up but don’t really understand how it could affect anything
So just curious I’m seeing people say this will increase trumps chances of winning how is that exaclty?
As an Italian I’d eat this, heck I eat pineapple on pizza and love it
That’s too much time and I just don’t have time for it unfortunately
Really? I thought you at least needed birth certificates
If he didn’t have any type of info how could he attend school then?
So what made him not get a job somewhere a high schooler can work? Why use someone’s stolen identity to get a job?
What did you use for this?
why do you avoid sanding?
Unconscious women can’t consent, and Andrew Tate is a known human trafficking piece of shit
So basically he likes raping women