Well since I’ve been very vocally liberal and anti-Trump over the past 8 years or so, I suspect I’ll end up dying in a labor camp.
I don’t have the means to get out of the county beforehand or I’d already be out, and I think there’s effectively no country that’s going to be willing to take political refugees from the United States afterwords, so I’m pretty well fucked.
If you honestly think the US under Trump is going to put liberals in labor camps despite watching his whole first term flounder on anything that wasn’t already galvinized by the GOPs platform I think you need to watch less sensationalized news.
I think you’re discrediting that there’s a decent chance that Trump is at least going to try to turn the US into a dictatorship. I’m hoping any attempt will fail, but there’s been weirder successes throughout history
And I think people who claim Trump is going to put Americans in camps do nothing but polarize the political landscape more than it already is. If you sincerely believe Trump would have the ability to line up political dissedents up in mass and send them to camps, you’ve reached a level of delusion that is unhealthy. Theres no evidence Republicans are going to gain nearly enough seats for a supermajority, so please explain to me how Trump sends democrats to camps. It’s a sensational divisive claim that does nothing but worsen an already shit electoral climate. Its the same level of crazy as claiming Bidens going to take away your guns. Even if thats what he said he wanted, he lacks any way to do so.
The only people actually goin to camps are immigrants and last I checked those are still open and functioning.
don’t worry too much buddy, the worst that can happen is your political view gets relentlessly strawmanned, treated as an attack on freedom, and most of the internet will find it acceptable to openly mock, ridicule, and threaten you for your beliefs and overexaggerate the candidate most closely associated with your point of view (whether true or not) as an unstable hateful fascist dictator, as well as adopting the most dramatic persecution complex possible, whining that their election will result in your shunning and death.
I had been scrolling through this thread, wondering when I was going to find the dumbest possible post, and I’m thankful that I can stop reading now that I’ve found it.
Well since I’ve been very vocally liberal and anti-Trump over the past 8 years or so, I suspect I’ll end up dying in a labor camp.
I don’t have the means to get out of the county beforehand or I’d already be out, and I think there’s effectively no country that’s going to be willing to take political refugees from the United States afterwords, so I’m pretty well fucked.
If you honestly think the US under Trump is going to put liberals in labor camps despite watching his whole first term flounder on anything that wasn’t already galvinized by the GOPs platform I think you need to watch less sensationalized news.
I think you’re discrediting that there’s a decent chance that Trump is at least going to try to turn the US into a dictatorship. I’m hoping any attempt will fail, but there’s been weirder successes throughout history
And I think people who claim Trump is going to put Americans in camps do nothing but polarize the political landscape more than it already is. If you sincerely believe Trump would have the ability to line up political dissedents up in mass and send them to camps, you’ve reached a level of delusion that is unhealthy. Theres no evidence Republicans are going to gain nearly enough seats for a supermajority, so please explain to me how Trump sends democrats to camps. It’s a sensational divisive claim that does nothing but worsen an already shit electoral climate. Its the same level of crazy as claiming Bidens going to take away your guns. Even if thats what he said he wanted, he lacks any way to do so.
The only people actually goin to camps are immigrants and last I checked those are still open and functioning.
don’t worry too much buddy, the worst that can happen is your political view gets relentlessly strawmanned, treated as an attack on freedom, and most of the internet will find it acceptable to openly mock, ridicule, and threaten you for your beliefs and overexaggerate the candidate most closely associated with your point of view (whether true or not) as an unstable hateful fascist dictator, as well as adopting the most dramatic persecution complex possible, whining that their election will result in your shunning and death.
Oh wait…
I had been scrolling through this thread, wondering when I was going to find the dumbest possible post, and I’m thankful that I can stop reading now that I’ve found it.
I’m glad you can sleep a happy narcissist tonight