I’m curious how you have automated/optimized your workflows for downloading, saving, archiving media.
For instance:
- On my laptop I download an epub into a folder that Calibre watches.
- Calibre copies and imports that epub into the Calibre library and removes the old epub.
- Calibre Library is hooked up to SyncThing, which passes the epub to my eReader.
My workflow is probably not the most efficient, but I’m hoping I can be inspired by people’s approaches.
We don’t do the piracy Mr FBI
Download thing, open thing in vlc or music bee. People make complicated systems to automate this stuff but I don’t consume enough new media to make doing all of that worth it. Neither do I need my media remotely accessible, if I’m out doing something then I am busy and don’t need to be watching a movie or whatever. If I know the boredom situation is dire then I will bring my psp or a book with me. I’d rather consume media in my sort of nice audio and game setups than anywhere else anyways.
Music bee is like itunes from 10 years ago but without drm. I leave qbit and soulseek open cos sharing is caring
i torrent video files via qbittorrent from my PC onto a truenas folder on my server (my old PC), which is attached to a jellyfin jail, from where i can watch it with every device i have wireguard vpn installed on. boom. private video streaming service.
for ebooks, the same thing happens, but i manually move the files onto my kobo libre 2. i don’t have very many ebooks to manage.
the syncthing idea is great, but i suspect your ebook reader is running android. the libre 2 runs a closed down version of linux i believe.
Why the VPN and not a normal domain?
the simple answer is: me big stupid
i had a domain, but dyndns and all the other stuff required is too complicated for me to figure out.
I have a bookmarklet that I use on youtube to send the url to a flask app I wrote that runs it through yt-dlp and saves it to my plex server.
The Saturday Night Live channel has over 6000 videos. I downloaded its metadata and loaded it into a database and wrote another simple web app to browse it quickly and choose the videos I want to download. I have a plex library for SNL alone with about 700 sketches. I should generalize this for other channels but it was mostly a one time thing with throwaway code.
Lately I’ve been trying to automate ersatztv channel setup but it doesn’t have an API so I’m writing to its sqlite database and hoping that will work.
I’ve been thinking of hosting a Telegram bot on my server that I can send album links from Spotify to from my phone, and then it downloads all the songs directly through Zotify. Just haven’t gotten to it yet.
I do Lunasea to search and add to sonarr/radarr/lidarr from my phone. That’s gets posted to Plex and Jellyfin (backup incase Plex really goes dow hill). If I’m outside the home I have wireguard setup so I connect in and run the same if my friend mentions something I should watch or listen to.
I would like to set something up for my kindle but haven’t gone down that rabbit hole yet.
I also wanted to set something up for my switch like running my own private eShop but that’s a whole different rabbit hole.
I’m also curious about the extended scripts that someone posted not to long ago for subscribing to YouTube shows, for now I just do adblock or smarttube.