Whatever happens on my browser is client side, which is hardware and software I own. I can make what I own do what I want. It’s a right.
It’s like Google saying that I can’t skim a magazine in my home, and that I must read the ads. Google can do what they want server-side, and I’ll do what I want client-side.
They’re not saying you can’t have an adblocker. They’re saying their software will try not to serve you their data if you do, or at least make it inconvenient.
You have a right to your computer. You do not have a right to their service.
That’s exactly what I said, yeah
Me after reading the 1st comment: “OK. True. Fair.” Me after reading the 2nd comment: “OK. True. Fair.” Me after reading the 3rd comment: “OK. Also true. Also fair.”
Me reading you:
Fourth gosh darn level of agree
I’ll never disable my PiHole or turn off ublock tho
I wish PiHole wasn’t so absolute dogshit about DNS requests from outside the local subnet, might use it then
Permit all origins, allow all destinations. In the settings.
Tried that, it just reverts back after a few weeks :/
I’m going to try ad guard today… That way I can keep my DHCP
Update: adguard does not block YouTube ads.
You can use PiHole without their DHCP.
There was a rabbi arbitrating a dispute between neighbours. One of them complained that the other one gathers apples that fall off his apple tree and into the other neighbour’s garden. “Those are my apples grown on my tree. He’s stealing them!”
“You’re right,” says the rabbi. But the other neighbour counters.
“But the branches of the tree are above my property. If he doesn’t want them to fall on my garden, he can cut off the branch. But he lets them fall into my garden making them my apples.”
“You’re right,” says the rabbi and adjourns the diapute to be able to think about it. He’s at his wit’s end and tells the whole story to his wife when he gets home.
“That doesn’t make sense. They can’t both be right.”
“You’re right.”
And as a service provider, they can choose to degrade your experience. It goes both ways.
Except they want to send you videos. The power is with you, the viewer. Without you, advertisers will have no reason for buying ads. Google can’t collect your data either. Realise that you have this power. Youtube is not like electricity or clean water. We can live without it if push comes to the shove.
To be fair, what they want is to make money off of you, be it through metadata or through advertising. It’s just that sending you videos happens to be the model which they use to get the metadata or advertising income.
If they wanted to make money off of me then they should have kept the Pixel Pass as a thing so I’d have a reason to have YT premium
Or make YT premium worth it
But nah, they’d rather ruin the product I was paying for, so now they get nothing. At least then I’m not paying for it to get worse
Yep, they can send me 500s if they want to, too
If the service degrades to far due to using ad blockers then I’ll just stop watching anything on YouTube. Easy.
Okay then. That was always allowed.
Umm, ok. You were not making them any money before, when you were blocking their ads, why would they care if you left?
Because the big channels will get a significant drop in views which lowers their sponsor pay and willingness to work with them.
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Google can do what they want server-side
Sure, like not sending you videos. 🤔
Let’s just hope they don’t start injecting their ads into the video stream itself
I don’t know why they think this change is going to get anyone to switch.
5 seconds of nothing is still way better than a minute-long ad
They want to sell their Premium subscription. They want you to compare 5 seconds of nothing versus “0” seconds of nothing. That being said, I think uBlock Origin with up-to-date filter lists completely eliminated this delay for me.
At work, we can’t log into personal accounts. And my job isn’t going to buy YouTube premium. So now any video tutorials on YouTube is getting impossible to watch.
This has now triggered a bunch of lazy developers into action in my entire company. Even our internal newsletters are explaining how to use adblock.
I haven’t seen any issues or ads on Youtube across all devices, except my LG tv. I don’t doubt they’re being scummy but the workarounds are working.
I use https://github.com/webosbrew/youtube-webos on my LG TV, to watch without ads. I have to sideload it via the CLI tools, but it works. Sometimes I have to reinstall it (I suppose some TV update screws up), but for my partner watching without ads is worth the random sporadic breakage.
I am so worried about breaking it, how would you rate it in terms of ease?
The procedure to install is very easy, you can also always uninstall it and reinstall the official one, I don’t think it’s irreversible in any way. Note that I am talking about side loading using developer mode. Rooting the TV via an exploit can brick your TV instead.
Edit: The procedure is basically described in https://webostv.developer.lge.com/develop/getting-started/developer-mode-app.
I realize I said very simple, but I guess it depends on your familiarity with tech and command line tools.
I have no problem trying it, I just didn’t want to brick it is all. I am tech literate but it wouldn’t be in my hobbies so I don’t have much in the way of skillset. Anything I’ve done has been with step by step and tools 😂
Oh no, I get it, I was quite scared the first time I messed with it, and I cursed LG plenty for not letting me install safely what I want on my own TV. I found this technique to be quite safe though. You basically uninstall the official YouTube app, then do the loading and you can always remove the app and reinstall the official one.
I hope I didn’t sound condescending, I just realized that I had been a bit too quick labeling something easy, while I understand that for some other person reading, using a CLI tool is in itself a new thing. Good luck :)
Fuck Google and YouTube, but the title is misleading, and it’s an article from three weeks ago. I’m quite surprised that this post is so upvoted, and nobody else flagged this before.
I just read the article and I don’t see how it’s misleading. Google introduced a delay before video starts for adblock users
But the register wasn’t able to reproduce it, and goes on to suggest it might be testing the capability with a random subset of users.
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Genuine question (because I’m looking too): without YouTube, where would you go to watch all the diverse videos they host? It’s a really difficult business model. Look at how expensive Floatplane is to the user. Luke and Linus have talked about how difficult it is to run on WAN Show, too: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1mZrsunukUA
A fediverse platform would almost definitely be a worse experience in terms of speed and video quality because residential internet (at least in the majority of the US) just doesn’t have the upload to support multiple HD video streams. Therefore, it’s not really possible to host at home; a basic server at Hetzner could probably do a dozen or two direct streams with no conversion, but storage is kind of expensive just because there’s so much content, and then there’s the need for moderation, high uptime, security, “good” UX design…
Then of course on top of all that when you don’t have creators getting paid by ad revenue, fewer will be able to spend the time on production quality because they’ll be doing it after work, so the length and/or quality suffers.
I dunno dude, I really hope someone smarter than me has figured this out, but it’s a tough problem.
You are correct. Fundamentally, it’s the hosting and storage issue that’s the crux of all this.
And the only choices available are another corporation hosting and paying/passing on the cost, or all of us hosting on a peer-to-peer network, which will be slow, but doable.
Having said that, the peer hosting method would work though, and shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand. We just shouldn’t expect the same level of service we do from YouTube or any corporation hosting videos.
I mean torrenting works but i’ll be damned if I’d need to wait for the buffer to fill up every 30sec for the 1440p video.
You’d need multiple versions pre-encoded to reduce network transfer and serverside transcoding.I mean torrenting works but i’ll be damned if I’d need to wait for the buffer to fill up every 30sec for the 1440p video. You’d need multiple versions pre-encoded to reduce network transfer and serverside transcoding.
It would definately be a slog to watch, vs a service that can just deliver the video to you in real time on demand.
My only point is that you would be able to watch the video, after the slog, so that avenue should not be discounted as an option. Its not a great option, but still, an option.
Interesting, it came up in news feeds on other sites. I’ll check more in the future, that’s the first time I’ve had that happen.
I wonder if there are bot farms for Lemmy/Fediverse… There must be
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Yeah, however “worse” it is for adblock users, it can’t compare to how awful the ads are.
Exactly. I’ve spent 15 seconds of my life overcoming this three times. Click, click, click.
You’d be surprised how sensitive normies are regarding 3 additional clicks.
For us tech literate folks it’s a regular sunday but they are literally raging internally if they need another 5 clicks more than usual.Lol quite true
The proven reason why you can’t beat crowd sourcing in the millions.
By doing that you’re wasting bandwidth on all the CDNs that hosts ALL your filter lists. Updating the Quick fixes list should be enough. (Which updates every 5 hours automatically on uBO 1.54).
How to manually update Quick Fixes (Manual updates push back automatic updates.)
- Click 🛡️ uBO’s icon
- the ⚙ Dashboard button
- the Filter lists pane
- the 🕘 clock icon next to the uBlock filters – Quick fixes list
- the 🔃 Update now button.
mate, that won’t even scratch a single server’s bandwidth, much less that of a CDN.
And freetube is making it so much better.
What freetube?
Google it and join us in video paradise
I don’t care. I was giving you the opportunity to inform others about something you think is cool. You blew it.
As a premium subscriber, it’s definitely gotten worse for me over the last month. Whatever they’re doing on the back end, it’s pretty terrible.
I’m not sure what the hell is going on at YouTube but I’ve noticed a significant drop in decent videos being recommended, and a huge uptick in videos I’ve already seen showing up at the front of the feed. Probs gonna drop it when the price picks up and just go to nebula.
Why are you paying your abuser
Honestly: I’d rather pay for YT and pirate Netflix.
The amount of Entertainment I get from YT exceeds the scale of Netflix and I use it daily at 2-3h per day.And while yes, it’s free, I can also support the creators with a better click price than a regular click.
Is it a better solution then the respective patreon/whatever? Nope
Do I want to pay 5€/month or video each time? Fuck no. I am not king Midas.Yup, that’s how I see it too. I don’t like seeing ads, the creators do at least get more money, and the actual value I get out of YouTube is pretty high
Not to mention not every creator will have a patreon anyway so this covers that scenario as well.
There’s a ton of educational content only on YT and so it’s a part of our homeschool curriculum. My kids were getting a lot of super inappropriate ads a while back, so I got premium to avoid all ads.
Stockholm syndrome
Stockholm syndrome was made up to cover for police incompetence
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Here’s a springboard article, if you want to do your own research.
The woman, based on whom the term was coined (the psychiatrist never even talked to her) wrote an autobiography “I became Stockholm Syndrome”.
There’s also the works of Allan Wade, a Canadian psychologist, who has talked to the victims throughout his career.
Basically when you’re at the whims of an armed lunatic, you might cozy up to them in order to appease them. The victims were also really afraid of the police coming in and shooting them. Which is pretty justified, considering the police couldn’t even identify the perpetrator before conceding on his demands and bringing in his prison buddy.
The guy with a gun, whom they’ve been talking to for days and has not hurt them in the slightest looked much less dangerous than the impending doom of the police barging in and shooting the wrong person.
We’ll still figure out ways to get around ads. So suck it Google.
WHAT?! I didn’t believe it for a second when the whole planet immediately noticed at the same time!
But then again, they DID admit it. Which means they have nothing to hide! And that’s transparent, and bold. We should reward companies for doing the right thing. Not only criticize them when they didn’t do wrong!
Tinkle Fingerent!
Youtube should add a tip Google button.
YouTube premium exists
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was an obvious attempt at humour
One thing I’ve learned from my time here on Lemmy, never assume anything when you’re replying, be explicit, even bordering on legalese, when discussing with someone else here.
People and conflict bots will nitpick the fact of things not said and use it against you.
At the very least conclude your subtle joke comment with a “/s”, the universal signal for “please don’t yell at me, I was just joking around”.
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Is lemmy your first social media ever to use?
The level of true insightfulness of your reply comment is so incredibly powerful and accurate (and wise!), that its hardly readable by a normal human being. /s
Random people on the Internet don’t get jokes or even worse, they intentionally ignore it
Well, its random, so that means some do ignore them, and others do not. /shrug
(Just being playful, but in the future, you may want to click on a user’s name and see their posting history, before declaring them a novice of forums.)
*Laughs with RSS feeds, Invidious redirects, Newpipe and Sponsorblock.
The CEO said shareholders needs to be appeased by making new sacrifice
It just doesn’t play on my Firefox anymore.
Open your videos in Incognito mode, the block is cookie-based. I open YT on my browser in normal mode to see all my subscriptions, then open the videos in incognito with adblock enabled.
Are they making it worse than ads make it?
Still using Vivaldi with only the built-in ad blocking, still noticing no ads, still noticing zero performance issues.
I use Vivaldi. I’ve been getting the ads mostly. I have to open YouTube in a private window and view from there. Do you have Unblock with scripts? My scripts only worked for awhile. The built in adblocking is just not working for me.
It’s just a regular install with “block trackers and ads” enabled. The only YouTube related plugins/extensions I have are tube buddy and dearrow to remove clickbait thumbnails. I don’t use unlock, ad block, or anything like that.
They are a business that makes money off of ads. Nothing to see here.