Because the big channels will get a significant drop in views which lowers their sponsor pay and willingness to work with them.
Cycling, video games and lego.
Keep it up, dumbasses.
Catch the hint…the harder you try the harder we do. There’s no trying from our end.
I’ve had this saved to my camera roll for years and deleted it two days ago, maybe my timing was wrong and i need to keep it.
That’s some high res looking pikachu, i stole it.
You’re probably right about this.
I thought the same thing, turns out all i can do is become burnt out.
I often decline their cookie bull, they’ll just keep asking with every new page i load from that website. Preferably with a pop-up that covers 2/3rd of the screen.
Please don’t the 17 attempts for me to surrender my cookies are already exhausting my willingness to use the web.
I have those magnet balls and over the years (sounds more dramatic than it is) i bought 10 sets which usually sit on my desk in some fancy shape as decoration.
They can get fairly expensive (mass/price) so i opted to buy a single set every so often as i haven’t found a magnet shop that sells individual balls for less.
Sometimes i get so invested i’ll mess with them for hours.
Every other website i visit has a different tactic of hiding their reject button.
They will even give a second pop up leaving you unable to use the website in hopes of you clicking accept anyway.
Every report i’ve passed claims yt is running in the reds for years, assuming this is true i can understand it.
But i’m still very happy adblock works for me on pc, the ads i get on tv are too many, too often.
I already canceled and started sailing the high sees.
I’m just looking on from the sidelines to see them burn.
Parents: put some money aside. Government: pay taxes over that. Parents: do it with cash. Stores and others: we don’t accept cash anymore.
It seems Lemmy doesn’t like it either.
The internet should have always been taken with a grain of salt, but nowadays half of society lives on the web and have made it into the shitshow it is now.
I was unemployed for a couple weeks and spent them on my phone wasting away time between interviews so to say, i lost touch of reality so quickly to the point where just being allowed to live your life had become alien to me. I currently work at a construction company and i’ve quickly realized you can still live your life even though people don’t agree because they have no control over you.
The internet is a dangerous place
Online shopping used to mean lower prices and a bit of a wait.
Nowadays it’s: more expensive because of shipping, delivery not doing their job or even stealing your shit, which leads to you having to pick it up at a place further from your house than the store that sells it.
Over here they are supposed to deliver it to you in person but half the time (if not more) they’ll just leave a “you weren’t home note” even though you took the day off and then drop it off at a pickup point.
Downside is that i can’t stop online shopping because the stores never carry what i need.
It should be this:
It’s specifically about superstores tho, but i kinda zoned out somewhere along the video.
Tbh the price increases we’ve seen since then were pretty much a lot of the western society that dealt with it, there were resource issues and a lot of volatility in the market due to this covid ordeal.
I’m not dismissing the fact that those increases put a lot of stress on all of our finances.
I could’ve expected that, my wife takes zoo trips in Germany with a coworker and they also get loads of grocery’s.
Just last weekend she brought a bunch of monster energy, 77 cents a piece. I pay €2,50 for a single can over here.
She also bought kraken rum and a bottle of aberfeldy whiskey for me which were roughly €7 cheaper each.
When i was 16 i worked at Albert Heijn and they stopped selling coca cola because the distributor wanted to make them €1,35 compared to the current €1,15. Albert Heijn said “nope, stop or we will stop selling”. The shelves were empty for a couple weeks and then miraculously filled with coca cola for €1,35 and not a word was spoken about it.
But i stumbled on a mini documentary on yt about German grocery stores (specifically the huge ones apparently) and how they are losing money. So you might end up paying a similar price as us some time in the near future.
Someone quick, put them in a sock.