Yeah, can we please just stop talking about him?
Like, especially for things that have absolutely nothing to do with him…
The best bit of is I don’t think he even said anything? He said he didn’t play GTA because it got to the bit where you have to shoot cops and he couldn’t morally do it, that’s super dumb but I haven’t seen anything he said about the characters and no one in here is talking about it.
I think people have imagined how he probably feels and now we have to hear about that too!
For future reference, whenever you show a graphic of a globe, please rotate the globe such that North America is facing the viewer. This is considered good etiquette. Thanks
I know it’s not relevant here, but since we’re talking globe etiquette: if your graphic of a globe shows New Zealand, be sure to shop it out to not reveal its location. At least cover it with a spoiler tag.
You forgot to censor N** Z******
I like how three of those aren’t the American flag but the Liberian lol
Poe’s law is strong with this one!
Damn Elon is the very fucking last thing I’d think of when I consider video game reviews. What’s Bill Gate’s opinion?
GTA made a name for itself by scaring parents for being violent and edgy. They do the same thing now, except it’s far more terrifying to just scare fragile white losers.
At least Bill Gates was connected to Xbox, or something.
I think he even invented Halo or so I’ve heard! He’s a true gamer.
It wasn’t even good at it, Saint’s Row feels like the game GTA is trying to be.
I like how he’s turning extwitter into 4chan. Advertisers hate it though, but advertising only accounts for 90% of their revenue, nbd
That’s ok, Muskoid is going to sue the ADL and Media Matters, and based on his extremely flawed ideas regarding Freedom Of Speech, he probably believes he can win lol.
he’s such a fucking clown
His claim for suing Media Matters is that ads don’t always appear next to Neo-Nazis, therefore they had to hit refresh until one did.
Which… they never said otherwise? And that doesn’t really change things?
right? they’ve illustrated it happens. Advertisers don’t want to be shown with nazi content, elon’s hosting nazi content, it’s really that simple.
No, it’s that they didn’t for anyone organically. Media Matters essentially broke their advertising algo and pretended anyone else saw them.
Nonsense. All they did was hit refresh. Anyone can do it.
That isn’t accurate - you can look up the details before getting all fussy. Of all the twitter users they were the only user that saw one pairing and one of the other pairings may have been seen by one actual user, but also might’ve just been MM seeing it twice.
It wasn’t an organic thing and it’ll be interesting to see if it goes to court.
It wasn’t an organic thing and it’ll be interesting to see if it goes to court.
it was completely organic. no outside-twitter resources were used to achieve the result - they literally used twitter’s tools and proved it could happen readily. That’s all advertisers need to see to bug the fuck out.
We have different definitions of organic. I think the fact that only they saw some of the pairings shows it’s something no legitimate user did.
You don’t have to modify a lawn mower to flip it upside down and throw cats in it my friend.
Even Twitter isn’t claiming that Media Matters somehow broke their algorithm (unsurprisingly, since that makes Twitter look terrible):
The lawsuit filed Monday accuses Media Matters of publishing a report that distorted the likelihood of ads appearing beside extremist content on X, a move the social media company says led major and influential advertisers to suspend their campaigns en masse. The company alleges that the group’s testing methodology was not representative of how real users experience the site and calls for a judge to force Media Matters to take down the analysis.
The case appears to be a “bogus” attempt to chill criticism in a way that “flatly contradicts basic First Amendment principles,” Ted Boutrous, a First Amendment attorney with years of experience dealing with the tech industry, told CNN. Boutrous added that the case could backfire for X in the discovery phase, as Media Matters could demand internal information that, if presented at trial, could prove embarrassing or highly damaging to the social media company.
The lawsuit also contains “fatal flaws” by conceding that ads did, in fact, appear beside extremist content, regardless of how Media Matters achieved that result, according to Steve Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas and a CNN contributor.
“The complaint admits that the thing Media Matters was making a big deal about actually happened,” Vladeck said. “Most companies wouldn’t want their ads running next to neo-Nazi content even once, and wouldn’t care about the exact percentage of users who were encountering such side-by-side placement.”
Contrary to the complaint, Media Matters “never claimed that what it found was typical of other users’ experience,” Vladeck added.
They contrived a situation that literally happened to nobody else. You’ll have to excuse my liberty with the word broken, but this is a non-issue.
If it wasn’t musk none of us would give a fuck. If a right wing propaganda mill did the same thing everyone would happily admit it’s misleading. The fact that it gets any traction at all is so fucking depressing.
How’s Elon’s boot taste?
I don’t like being lied to, even if the lie fits my worldview.
What’s the advertising like on 4chan? I haven’t been on there in like 15 years. Maybe there were banner ads last time I was on there lol.
Weeb merch, dick pills and malicious links. So pretty much what it’s always been tbh.
“Oh my god, who the hell cares?”
I hope the writers in charge of the radio station dialog are. This is great fodder.
Wait do people not like the new GTA lady?
This is the first I’m hearing of it, but I’m sure there’s a non-zero % out there
Incels don’t like seeing a woman have any sort of power over their own lives, or seeing non-white/white-asian women
Hell, she’s actually pretty cute. I’ll take her over the typical 2020s female character design style.
what’s the typical 2020s style? i’m out of the loop
Stoic flat-chested tomboy with no personality outside of the occasional metajoke.
I’m fucking tired of it myself
Edit: You downvote me, but play any movie or watch any game from the past 3 years and tell me I’m wrong.
Don’t forget side-shave haircut.
So exactly the same as a half the male characters in video games since ever?
men are usually meant to be flat chested and boyish, yes
Sorry for thinking women and men shouldn’t be identical
we’re downvoting you because you are rejecting tomboy supremacy. sorry but it’s just nature taking its course, jack.
Yes, but the Preservation Council must recognize the presence of an endangered species
This picture is wrong. Whole world is shaped like Murica . nothing else is known to man or so they say.
Wait, why is Hawaii no longer in the after?
Elon Musk’s rockets essentially made the island sink into the sea…
Man, someone needs to make a filter that checks images.
why is the too stylised as a youtube reaction video thumbnail, with the red background and all
I swear lemmy just feels like an Elon hate forum. I hate the guy too but 80% of the content is just about him
Maybe you’re in the wrong communities, i see one Elon post every 100 or so posts.
Half of the posts I see are about awesome animals like cats, dogs, owls, bats, opossums and racoons.
I need more active animal communities. Please list your recs 🥺
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Some of them aren’t very active but I hope they’ll gain popularity by linking to them.
Not the original commenter but check out superb owl
Idr the spelling of the community or what instance I just see it pop up in my all feed from time to time
Also the animal communities just named opossums and raccoons(I think)
Edit: a post from superb owl
I just see kraut posts half the time, the other half of NSFW “subreddits” that I have to block.
Low hanging fruit tempts more people, more easily. He’s just a really easy to hate, last decade it was Zuckerberg, this decade it’s Elon.
I just hope the next person to steal the spotlight is less insufferable.
He’s a con man and everyone needs to know it. There are still too many people who think he’s the best person on Earth.
These kinds of posts always come off like when Trump complains that the people prosecuting him and judges are just anti-Trump.
Its an easy target. Low effort, high reward. I have a colleague who is frantic about numerology and anti-vax stuff. It’s always a success to crack a joke about that.
You should find some communities you like. It’s not all 80% for me. Much, much lower.