For future reference, whenever you show a graphic of a globe, please rotate the globe such that North America is facing the viewer. This is considered good etiquette. Thanks
I know it’s not relevant here, but since we’re talking globe etiquette: if your graphic of a globe shows New Zealand, be sure to shop it out to not reveal its location. At least cover it with a spoiler tag.
For future reference, whenever you show a graphic of a globe, please rotate the globe such that North America is facing the viewer. This is considered good etiquette. Thanks
I know it’s not relevant here, but since we’re talking globe etiquette: if your graphic of a globe shows New Zealand, be sure to shop it out to not reveal its location. At least cover it with a spoiler tag.
You forgot to censor N** Z******
I like how three of those aren’t the American flag but the Liberian lol
Poe’s law is strong with this one!