I like my partners like I like my filesystems.
FAT and 32.
Your taste in partners is as bad as your taste in filesystems. Who uses FAT32 in 2023? At least use NTFS
Everything uses FAT32. ATMs, the fare machine on transit systems, the sorting system at your post office, traffic lights, nuclear power control systems. Literally everything that isn’t a Unix, MacOS, or a Windows machine uses FAT32. All that stuff has worked for decades and will probably keep working for decades more.
I like em like I like my encryption. Old and already cracked.
I prefer them to be exFAT.
My time to shine.
The D: is a CD-ROM. Geez!
Dang whippersnappers.
Nothing like the beauty of windows having a modern UI with a hard drive icon drawn by some intern in 1998
If it makes you feel any better the intern got hired full-time.
The best part about this is that the keyboard company likely followed tutorials for building their device drivers and never substituted the default image (which is a fictitious company called Fabrikam):
And someone is now selling attire under the Fabrikam name with just the page title as “Microsoft”
CDs nuts
Omg… it depends on your input port grandpa! Please take your pills your saying that stuff again!
My mind immediately went to ext as in ext4 the filesystem
Specifically, she wants to mount the D:.
I went to the comments to ask if she meant ext3 or ext4 but after a moment I figured it was just external abbreviation… Made a lot more sense 😅
low tier windows users : the D
chad linux enjoyer : Basic Data Partition
She wants the /dev/sdb
If it got BTRFS, then one can simply say “pass me the butter”
This is not innuendo, I literally just want that data storage device, butterface.
She wants the D: but he’s just got a 3.5 inch floppy.
She wants the scared and amazed face? I don’t get it.
Dick. the Dick. D: is usually where the external hard drive is mounted when you only have a single drive, which is usually C.
And you normally put your dick in the external hard drive?
One ejaculation holds around 16 GB of data, so technically…
You don’t?
And then you ask for the C: and they block you on tinder.
My aunts friends are so angry sometimes.
Nope, she meant the ext4 drive mounted to
Edit: spelling
(I don’t know, you guys said she wants the D)
Kidnap the D the speaker the conduct
—Opening crawl of Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
You know this one’s dated because I’m pretty sure by today’s standards having only a C: drive is quite unusual. Hard to find statistics on it but I’d wager most people have at least 2 storage devices, especially an SSD / HDD combo is pretty popular.
My coworker used to ask me this. Like JESUS CHRIST, WE’RE AT WORK, STOP ASKING.
Why would she want the (😮)?
and that’s how she got pregnant….