This cladogram is outdated about turtles, which are no longer considered the most phylogenetically basal reptiles.
Sometimes, original material does survive fossilization.
Electronics are magic boxes of poisonous green crackers with black rectangle bugs crawling on them.
That’s more like fish and amphibians. We do things internally.
Gas is mostly derived from bacteria.
Here’s what gas has to say about that:
Perhaps you mean flatus.
Ed Is The Standard Text Editor
, ex
, and vi
are all standard, required text editors in the Single Unix Specification.
much like “therefor”, which does not mean the same thing as “therefore”
Wye due pupil cairn what wards ah yews wren the pronoun serration is clothes and off two yonder sandwich wards amen two yews wrens pea king allowed.
You’re assuming an eternal universe (as opposed to, e.g., a big crunch), which seems likely given the observed accelerating expansion of the universe.
Why does philosophy constantly twist things into an over complicated mythical mess, and then act like it’s some novel insight?
I cannot stand that either, but this sort of pseudo-profundity is more common in some specific schools of thought, rather than philosophy in general.
Does a tree falling in the woods with nothing to hear it make a sound?
It’s probably № 1 on my list of stupidest questions. The answer is yes.
Incidentally, Biden is the only silent generation US president.
DRM certainly can’t be fair as long as it’s illegal to circumvent.
… except that the Y2K bugs actually existed, and were dealt with appropriately.
All homeopathic remedies are equally strong with an efficacy of essentially zero, so yes.
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—Opening crawl of Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
Journalism was always like this when it comes to reporting on research.
As long as protons are the lowest mass baryon, there is nothing for them to decay to (barring violation of baryon number conservation).