Endgame was a 3 hour fan service and wasn’t all that good and I’ll die on that hill.
No, you’re right. Infinity war is the better movie but endgame was the better event. Endgame is almost a perfect fanservice movie and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Exactly. Endgame is great in terms of fanservice, but IW is just a far more solid film
I’m still pissed that the McGuffin in that movie was basic-ass time travel, when they had the way cooler McGuffin of the Quantum Realm they could have explored.
To make matters even worse, it’s seeming like the real reason they did the time travel BS was so they could start the multiverse BS, so they had a justification to continue pumping out garbage content.
Completely agree! Though time travel wasn’t a MacGuffin, it was just a plot contrivance. A Macguffin is an interchangeable irrelavent object used to drive the motivation for the plot. The “tesseract” in Avengers, or the “Philosopher/Sorcerer’s Stone” in Harry Potter for example.
Sorry to be pedantic, I fully agree with your actual point, and just thought you might want to know.
Lol thank you, I genuinely appreciate the pedantry
It’s also just a bad time travel movie because the purpose of it was to be appeal to self-contained nostalgia. Like, “hey, remember all these OTHER movies you saw that built up to this one? Well, they’re going to revisit these in minor, superficial ways at the very end of our huge event.” Yeah, dog, I don’t care about those movies anymore and they weren’t very entertaining to begin with. Just get to the ball numbing action violence.
Agreed. My main takeaway from it was that my butt hurt after sitting in the theater for that long.
I fell asleep during it in the theater. It was so insanely boring.
You’ll have my bow.
Endgame was stupid. The solution to Thanos was have Tony conveniently invent time traveling and then save the day. Infinity Wars was the peak.
You ignorant. Thanos was the hero. Ironman is just another billionaire denying the obvious responsiblity for the death of all life on earth Thanos was preventing.
Maybe so, but it was still a janky story. A gigantuan struggle, with epic consequences… resolved by deus ex machina.
It wasn’t “resolved.” Thanos won. Then some janky billionaire lying asshole undid that and then lied about fucking everything. Everyone went on like a march of idiots right over the suicidal cliff like lemmings.
That’s not a fictional story. Goodbye! Forever!
This is another occasion where I really hope the lesson isn’t “Female leads don’t sell”. Probably an obvious observation, but Captain Marvel always struck me as a boring, flawless, invincible hero without much personality.
The Superman problem. Main sources of conflict tend to involve depowering, fighting another godlike, or threatening people they care about. Over and over again.
Actually makes me appreciate so much more that one set of writers managed to make a semi-compelling show that focuses on Lois, including her personal growth, all while discovering that her plucky goodboy intern is in fact the man of steel. (Referring to My Adventures with Superman in case it’s not obvious)
One of the things a reviewer highlighted as very important to that show was that it didn’t praise Lois’ rebelliousness and spunk as having no consequences. I basically just didn’t see any of that journey in the first Captain Marvel movie.
The problem is that even Superman deconstructions get shat on. Snyder tried to do something different but everyone wanted a hokey silver age comic supes
Endgame was shit, infinity war was the actual peak
I don’t think it was total hot garbage like most. I dislike most of everything to do with the final battle, but the time travel shenanigans are fun as fuck
They were never good you just had dogshit standards.
Yup, I would have worded it differently but I second this
I get that alot 😄
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
Meanwhile, Loki is the best MCU content to date.
But female Loki blabla /s
deleted by creator
Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill!
Watched Blade for the first time Saturday and that line gave me whiplash.
As a teen in the 90s this was the coolest fucking fight ever! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZuZZzvJxR8
I bought the official soundtrack and listened to it on my MiniDisc every morning on the way to college! Pumped me up ready for the days battle against vampires (and maths) :D
furious katana spinning gif
But Infinity War was the better movie. Is this still up for discussion?
Everyone argues with me over it, but The Incredible Hulk (Edward norton) and Iron Man/Iron Man 2 were pretty much it for me.
I did enjoy No Way Home, and Thor Love and Thunder, but the rest were so watered down. Captain America & Bucky VS iron man was the death warrant. He can take a tank round, but not a punch from Cap?
Hulk pissing himself in Infinity War against Thanos with just the power stone? No. Hulk should have smashed him to a pulp.
The two Hellboy movies did the Marval style film before Marvel and it was only second to Iron Man.
Guardians of the Galaxy were the only fun ones anyway. The rest was rehashed trash.
I thought comic book movies were in decline until the Batman came out. The question is if Marvel is willing to part from their generic formula so their movies feel fresh.
Marvel needs some good direction from a management level, they need to build an Avengers team of writers who can really think of an overarching plot and have an end goal. They keep introducing new characters and then just don’t use them at all (where is Shang Chi?), their IP is spread out too much across unnecessary TV shows, they need to get their budget under control because somehow everything costs a billion, and their end product is worsened by the fact that their VFX teams are being overrun. This is Kevin Feige’s time to shine more than ever and he needs to show Disney that he can earn that pay.
Is this a staged joke? Is everyone here in some conspiracy to make me believe that either the world went mad or I did? Why is everyone calling every Marvel movie “peak” but the first Iron Man? Obviously, this was the best one.
It was all downhill from there for me too
The Marvels was a fun movie tho
I thought it was the opening of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face.
I felt that way after Spiderman 3.
Jazz hands!