“You know, we don’t live in a democracy because a democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner. OK? It’s not just majority rule. It’s a constitutional republic. The founders set that up because they followed the biblical admonition of what a civil society is supposed to look like. What’s happened, Alex, …
Americans don’t learn on their own faults, do they… After electing a complete idiot and criminal for a president, they give the house majority to the same party that chose Trump as their candidate (twice!)
It’s absolutely not surprising to me that the party that had Trump as its candidate twice, now appointed this moron as a speaker. But Americans could learn on their own faults…
“Americans dont learn on their faults do they”. Every single one? You really believe 100% of americans are voting for this shit? Do you see our current president???
Americans don’t learn on their own faults, do they… After electing a complete idiot and criminal for a president, they give the house majority to the same party that chose Trump as their candidate (twice!) It’s absolutely not surprising to me that the party that had Trump as its candidate twice, now appointed this moron as a speaker. But Americans could learn on their own faults…
“Americans dont learn on their faults do they”. Every single one? You really believe 100% of americans are voting for this shit? Do you see our current president???
…ok? And?
Is your argument that we really should judge all Americans on what the minority of them does/did?
I judge all Americans by the film Deliverance and the Donald Trump.
You sound smart
Hashtag yes that is correct motherfucker, Not All Americans. HASHTAG Not The Majority Of Americans.
Americans are now apparently all like the minority of them. Great thanks for clearing that up you judgy fuck
We are pretty fuckin’ stupid.
Speak for yourself
I mean, half the country reads below a 6th grade level.
I’d say there are a lot of fucking idiots. If I’m not mistaken the number was something like 54%, so they technically make the majority.