Oh, absolutely. Was hoping for a “I am all Hamas on this blessed day”.
For the ones not in the know:
Oh, absolutely. Was hoping for a “I am all Hamas on this blessed day”.
For the ones not in the know:
Yes, but why would you listen to what Hamas has to say?!?!
If you like peeing on koalas and getting caught in the rain
Thanks! I knew I must have missed it, but couldn’t find it.
Shouldn’t you ask for the cat’s age as well as the recordings? Or did I read over that?
It might be worthwhile to gather some other information about the cat, like whether they’re indoor or outdoor cats, former strays or not,…
Would this not be considered as “providing comfort to insurrectionists”, as described in the 14th amendment. Even just promising pardoning them.
So even if they argue he supposedly wasn’t involved in it, it would still disqualify him from office.
When the call is coming from inside the (white) house…
(Edit: to be clear, back in 2020)
The reason there is a difference in how much light is reflected, is because the moon is in a different position. During a new moon, it’s on the day side of the earth (so in between the sun and the earth) while during a full moon, it’s on the night side.
So there could theoretically be a gravitational effect, although I don’t think it would impact anyone’s sleep.
If anyone is noticing a difference in sleep quality, it’s most likely indeed to do with the amount of light.
And miss out on stuff like this?!
Imagine being brainwashed bombarded on a daily basis with messages of how leftist will take over your country and how Trump will save them
So basically Anno 2307?
I haven’t played Anno 2205, but what your describing seems a bit further in time than that game. The start of colonization of the Moon vs settling/trading with the full solar system.
Are the aliens fusion-based lifeforms? They have to get their energy somewhere.
Eating hydrogen and letting out high-pitched helium farts?
What kind of a broken system is that?
Just to be clear, you mean that people ignoring the laws is what makes it broken, right? Not the laws themselves?
Cause your last sentence threw me off for a second.
If so, I totally agree with you.
I’m not from the US, but are people really streaming while driving? Cause that’s just ridiculously stupid.
I know people are driving much longer distances in the US than here, but at least put on some podcast or music to entertain you. Nothing that keeps your eyes off the road.
Could it just be a weight thing? So not necessarily fat, muscle could also help.
If you’re body is heating your whole body, the amount of heat added will increase linearly with volume. But your surface area, i.e. the skin, increases sublinearly with volume. So you get more heat per surface unit?
Agree overall, but I still downvoted because of the statement “veganism is a religion”.
You either don’t know what veganism is or what religion is.
As a meat eater, I applaud anyone that follows or wants to move towards a (more) vegan diet.
You don’t think this happens in e.g., European countries?
No worries. I was hesitant to post both comments, knowing they might be misinterpreted.