Americans will use anything but metric smdh.
My feet are 0.83 feet long
you’re not legally allowed to call them feet then
You can get around those rules by spelling it wrong.
Ok, my pheet are 0.83 pheet long
Much better
Whatever king it was had really big feet though.
Alt: The character The Boulder from TV series “Avatar: The Last Airbender” captioned “The Boulder feels conflicted.”
Doesn’t markdown let you add alt-text in the form

?Wait lemmy test
edit: yea it works
edit2: maybe not
edit3: no it def doesBeen wondering why people just upload with “image”.
I don’t see any alt text in yours when I click the image in my mobile client.
It’s showing up in the html, maybe your image viewer doesn’t show it?
I imagine a Venn diagram with small boulders on the left side and large boulders on the right and in the middle the one on the image
Is it heavier than feathers tho?
What size of feather?
XXL small.
Then no.
Looks something like 50 capybaras big?.. more?
Are we talking volumetric capybaras or massive capybaras?
Would you rather fight a large small boulder, or a small large boulder?
This is what happens when cops are in charge of their own social media.
Nah, this is what happens when society is more concerned with sensationalism than factuality.
It was a little boulder, such a little boulder, but it reminded me of a large boulder, yeah just in miniature size.
Bould of them to assume they know sizes.
Is this Bob the Boulder?
Fortune favours the boulder.
Looks bouldery enough to me
So, medium?
Big words out of a small brain.