Realized that with my new job I’m at $500/month for gas. Starting to seriously consider a hybrid or electric but damn they expensive. Either way might just need something more reliable than my 320k+ car.

Whatchya driving, do you like it, and why?

  • credit
    1 year ago

    I drive a 2000 bmw z3 dispute it being a bmw it’s been quite bullet proof oil changes are a brease you can replace the rear windshield by unzipping a zipper my only complaint is how it occasionally breaks the laws of physics like how it smashed into a giant boulder and only broke off a single reflector and the airbag indicator light works even when there’s no bulb or any light source of any kind the oil separator somehow got water in it and didn’t effect the rest of the engine in any way ultimately it takes a lot to make something go wrong in this car and when they do fixing it will make you question if we are living in a very laggy simulation I’m honestly surprised I haven’t lagged into the backrooms in this car yet