And its not just translating, sometimes its filling out forms and stuff, sometimes even taxes… It’s the immigrant version of “Free Tech Support”, the “Free Translator/Interpretor” 😓
One of the reasons immigrants focus a lot on education is because it can’t be taken from you. They can take your money, they can take your house, your land and everything else, but what you know will always be with you, and that’s valuable.
Not that tests actually prove your knowledge in any way, but still.
it can’t be taken from you
Depression probably already lowered my IQ to 2 digits 😓
Almost like she’s willing to nearly kill you to make sure you have a better life than hers.
Also can’t forget the teasing and ridicule from family members when you’re not as fluent in their native language
Keep studying and trying hard. She wants a better life for you!
If you study hard you’ll be able to afford the therapy for the psychological damage she’s given you
Hey, that’s one way to look at my career success and burnout!
And that better life may not include her, and she’ll have no idea why!
I’m Jewish and I had the same upbringing. I got an 18/20 on a math test and my parents literally lost their shit. “WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE OTHER 2 POINTS!? YOU WERE LAZY AND SLOPPY AND THIS ATTITUDE WILL HAVE YOU DEAD AT 30, IN JAIL, OR INSTITUTIONALIZED. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT HUH? No hanging out with your friends for 2 months. If you object or make an upset noise, I’ll double the months.”
Not exclusive to asians
What’s wrong with a B?
It’s not an A
And an A is not an A+.
Source: my dad
See you can always do better. 100%? Why not extra credit to get a higher grade?!?!
It’s also far from an F.
But it would be better if it was just a teeny bit further away
Your a fucking nerd for not having a C. Adopt to your new culture!
Oh man the emotional damage has hardened me to take on anything in life.