This is how everyone should handle trump and his ilk at every opportunity. Talk over him, call him out on obvious lies, chuckle at him when he says idiotic things. Just generally treat him with disdain and derision. He has this hero status with his followers that could be chipped away at if he’s the subject of serious, casual ridicule. Not the stupid, desperate, “mango mussolini” “lord cheeto” junk, but the stuff that makes him feel self-conscious and lash out like a stupid, bumbling old man. This has been the most successful rhetorical/propaganda strategy whenever people have employed it.
He’s also not fast enough or coherent enough to respond to it anymore. I think you can cow him. Because I imagine that’s what his handlers do every day. He’s used to submitting.
He’s never been fast or coherent enough to respond to any statement with factual evidence. But the unfortunate this is that his followers don’t give a fuck if it’s all made up
Yup. Trump was a master of the Gish-Gallop debate strategy. Basically, the goal is to overwhelm your opponents with arguments. Even if they’re not accurate or well constructed. The goal is simply to preoccupy your opponent’s speaking time with debunking your claims, rather than making their own arguments. Because claims are easy to make, but comparatively take a lot of time to debunk.
Not saying you’re right or wrong, but these types of events only happen occasionally, mais non?
I’m curious if this is going to be the way leaders treat Trump going forward. And by curious I mean hopeful. Because that debacle in the Oval Office when Elon Musk completely owned him I think has made it clear that powerful people can dominate this man fairly easily. The guy who used to terrorize people in 2016 on the debate stage is gone. He’s a dotering old man who doesn’t even know where he is half the time. Interviews like this with other world leaders should be able to dominate the conversation fairly easily.
There is zero chance. I think the only thing that would happen would be he would just shut down all in person meetings in front of a camera. Just like he does with news organizations or press people he doesn’t like… He just cries “they treat me badly” and bans them from the White House If something makes him look or feel bad he just shuts it down.
Seeing less of him isn’t a bad thing. He thrives on publicity, good or bad
Can’t say that forever, downfall imminent
well good… let him hide then…
nobody should be kissing his ass
Trump will not like being seen as incompetent and weak publicly.
He should stop being a public figure then because he always looks like that. He’s just lucky most amaricans are too dumb to notice.
Being a public figure is the one thing Trump excels at.
How though. Every time I see him talking he’s making a fool out of himself. How can people take anything he says serious when he constantly lies and talks like a 3 year old.
it works with 50% of US voters tho… so he’s doing something right.
Like the movie Idiocracy. It used to be a pessimistic view of the future meant to be a comedy, yet it looks like an optimistic view of the near future, and looks more like a documentary right now.
It shows how extremily dumb the Americans are.
So he doesnt like being seen in public at all?
when Elon Musk completely owned him
I need to see this.
Elon’s 4 year old told Trump to shut his fucking mouth, that he’s not the real president, and that he should go away.
Sauce? Please let this be real 🙏
Pretty easy to find on YouTube, but to me (non native speaker) the audio is not good enough to really hear it.
The kid isn’t even looking at trump… plus when he said “you need to shush your mouth” trump wasn’t even speaking. Probably reporters whispering to each other
I understand snopes tries to be objective, but I watched it and still think the kid did it.
I mean it was pretty well known that in his first term Trump was really awkward in meetings with foreign leaders. His schtick is very much catered toward Americans, and he’s got that aspect down pat. He says shit that flusters and disorients American democrats but when he’s with foreign leaders it becomes much more apparent how much more intelligent literally everyone else in the room is than than him and how utterly out of his league they are, and they’ve always treated him like an idiot child spouting off and often even openly laugh at stuff he says in earnest much to his embarrassment and anger
unsurprisingly Trump has no fucking idea what is actually going on in this war
Or he does have an idea, and the nonsensensical lies he spews just serve to reenforce the talking points for his MAGA base.
I don’t know which one is scarier.
WATCH: A politician and a B-list reality show character
That’s how to handle the roach
This video… is beautiful…
I didn’t bother watching (I prefer to read), but this comment got me to play the video. Macron giving the wink at the end really got me. Pwned.
This comment made me watch the video as well and now I’m smiling, highly recommended.
Time for the EU to break free of the US. The US is now aligned with Russia, North Korea, and Hungary among others.
Trump is 78 years old, has diaper plumbing problems and gets bored easily. Why doesn’t he retire? He would be surrounded by his adoring fans and he could live off of all of his money for the rest of his days.
"Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and how severe they are can vary. People with the disorder can:
- Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
- Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
- Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
- Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
- Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
- Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
- Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
- Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
- Take advantage of others to get what they want.
- Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
- Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
- Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
- Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.
- At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they view as criticism. They can:
- Become impatient or angry when they don’t receive special recognition or treatment.
- Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
- React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
- Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
- Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
- Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
- Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
- Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure."
I wish I’d never even heard the name ‘Trump’ but I feel like I know him well enough now that ‘all of the above’ feels accurate.
Don’t forget he was on trial for federal crimes, some of which carried lengthy prison sentences, at the time of his second election win. Literally, his only options were ‘become president of the united states’ and ‘spend the rest of his life in prison’.
Same reason Netanyahu doesn’t retire. If they get off the carousel they go to jail.
Trump isn’t going to jail. He might have if he hadn’t become prez this last time. Now that’s caput.
I think he will commit more crimes but you may be right. He has a tiger by the tail though. At this point I don’t think he could get out unscathed.
Add this to the fact that Trump suspended the taxes with Canada and Mexico to gain nothing.
Wonder how long it will take for Dorito Benito to start talking about annexing France.
This would be beautiful. You can bet at least one McDonald’s would be on fire in Paris after that.
I’m surprised he hasn’t already, given that it’s, you know, France.
You trying to, you know, dump on France, boy?
No, but they are and historically have been the least subservient American ally in Europe, and therefore the least likely to tolerate Trump’s bullshit and most likely to piss him off.
I don’t think that Cheeto is capable of stringing together a coherent sentence that has any substance to it. It’s like he’s just trying to get through the interview with little meaningless fluff sentences.
Makes me wonder if he has some yet-to-be-properly-diagnosed aphasia.
It’s clear that he’s just a pawn of Musk’s at this point. And Musk read Project 2025 and his Nazi brain went “fuck yeah let’s do that, get that really dumb guy in office again so we can really do shit”
He’s giving Bewildered elderly cat lady protests against flouride vibes here.
He’s such a tiny little bitch why do these maga goblins look up to him
I have a feeling the “freedom fries” are making a comeback in the congressional cafeteria.
The annoying orange sure does look like a weak dipshit whenever he tries to spew out his bullshit in an environment where he can’t control the narrative.
And you wonder why the AP isn’t allowed in the white House
Youtube doesnt let me watch anymore since i use vpn, anyone got an alt link?