Please explain why or why not. Jokes have been made about her fans not wanting her to settle down and be happy because it would affect her creative output and also I think its like KPop or whatever where the fans want her to be pure and perfect and never act outside of industry expectations and such
No, because I don’t think about her at all.
The Game
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No one that is super rich is an honest person. The image you see is fabricated by a whole company. The only way to get super rich is by screwing over a giant wake of other people. There are more talented people out there. The difference is that when she was faced with opportunity she chose what is best for her at the expense of all else.
In business, you will face these situations. I would probably still have my last auto body shop if I had missed by best friend’s wedding and caused my apprentice to lose his house. This was what broke me. I lost my biggest account for my friend’s wedding and I stretched myself too thin to make sure Eric kept his house. Then the used car market crashed out for 2 months straight in 2008 and I fell apart. This is small time. To be really successful, tell people what they want to hear then screw them over when they can’t even whine or complain publicly. This is how Musk operates, and if you were to know the real Swift, you would find the same thing. These are ultra successful personalities in reality.
Who has she actually screwed over tho (without disputing your thesis because I basically agree with it)
People are right generally about billionaires.
But she’s constantly in the news doing nice things with her money. Certainly she’s doing more good with it than other billionaires I could name.
LONG article:
The music industry collapsed. I don’t know the details. She didn’t make billions off of playing concerts, radio, or streaming.
She’s only a few years younger than I am and I only just now found someone to settle down with who makes me happy. Based on that and nothing else, I think she’ll get there as long as she keeps trying.
Do you think she has a growth mindset?
I have no idea what that means.
Do you think she can change and adapt socially? Like do you think she notices and is receptive to working on things if her partner felt a need she wasn’t meeting or engaging with and opened up communication about working on that together?
Like, you know how generally you can’t change people and people don’t like to change too much once they’ve developed and grown? Do you think she has the capacity to buck that and adapt to things if she knows her relationship is on the line or there are some other interpersonal stakes to it?
She obviously has enough money and could find a replacement easily enough but do you think she would necessarily play those cards if it came down to it or would she be invested in making things work if was a healthy enough relationship
So again I’m basing this on myself. I think a healthy relationship doesn’t necessarily require a lot of personal change. It requires healthy communication, it requires healthy compromise, but if you’re compatible (and something of this comes with the maturity to understand who you are and what your needs are, versus your wants) then you can fit together well with the right person without needing to change who you are.
And I don’t love the pairing of the concept of growing (as a person) to growing to be something, or someone, who fits someone else. When I grow as a person it’s learning new skills or trying a new hobby, it’s growing me. Not conforming myself to someone else.
Which is a very important distinction because I grew up with a narcissist for a mother and it made me very codependent, and I essentially lost my 20s to failed relationships spent learning that it isn’t about making whoever I’m with happy, and it isn’t about making myself better to them. It’s about knowing who I am, and embracing that so I don’t enter or stay in a relationship that isn’t already a good fit.
I’m with someone now who had the same trauma. We’ve discussed these observations. We know who we both are, and we fit. And as we grow, individually, as we pursue knowledge and hobbies and help others, we communicate, we care for one another, and we continue to fit.
So again, I’m only pulling from my life experience, but I feel like anyone can settle down or find the right person. They just have to know who they are and what they want, and find someone else who knows who they are and what they want.
I think maybe I was more conflating change as what yoo said in terms of being able to compromise without implicating your own authenticity and autonomy. Totally agree, you need someone who you fit together with that you dont necessarily need to chnage and remake yourself to fit with, but I mean more are people able to see when they are wrong or what they can do better to prosper romantically and personally
Like, a brain tumor?
Yes. I mean, there’s someone for everyone. She just needs to put herself out there. Getting on the apps is a start, but it’s important to just be social with people doing activities she enjoys. She needs to keep in mind that dating is supposed to be fun.
I’m sure she could if she wanted. But what if she doesn’t want to? Side thought: if she was a man, no one would bat an eye at a solo status.
I dont judge her or view her any differently, she just has a reputation for romances ending and becoming songs
In all honesty, relationships and life are hard and I dont judge anyone for trying to put themself out there
OMG OMG did something happen with trav?! Brb
This isnt topical, I was just curious and remembered the Family Guy episode
I joke but did go searching for news to tell my wife. She’s always got the celeb gossip and is shocked if I tell her something. I didn’t immediately find anything so i assumed they are still together.
Who knows if she’ll find her person though. Some people find them young, some old, some never settle. I’m not too worried about miss swift and her millions if fans and fun entourage though. Much more worrying things out there
Maybe the answer to your question is that she already has.
I don’t care about celebrities.