Baked beans.
Super easy to make, not hard to make delicious, taste just as good the next day, freeze really well.
Baked beans.
Super easy to make, not hard to make delicious, taste just as good the next day, freeze really well.
I suppose I could just punch them in the face.
A computer can’t do that.
Websites that deliberately disregard browser settings and find ways to forcibly autoplay videos.
That includes sites which use animated gifs in order to simulate playing a silent video, to trick you into clicking on it.
Just give me a damn still image if I don’t want video. I will only get angry if you shove video down my throat.
Department of Oligarchy, Graft, and Edgelords
That fundamentally misses the point of the song.
99% of people who say they’re being “devil’s advocate” are actually, in fact, just being assholes
No, because I don’t think about her at all.
I would use it… eventually.
But only after becoming an elite assassin who specializes in eliminating billionaires, and only after becoming so good at what I do that I run out of targets.
I’m holding out for Premium Lite Pro.
Katamari Damacy
I disagree. In my 12-page rebuttal to your statement I will present evidence to
It’s the exact same thing, it’s an expression of entitlement.
When you call someone out, you’re attempting to degrade their position while making yourself seem superior.
Had you simply asked him about it, people wouldn’t be universally telling you that you’re the asshole here.
He blocked you, that seems like good work.
Who are you to accuse someone of failure?
What benefit is there to calling him out?
Calling him out his criticizing him. Full stop.
I don’t even know who he is, and I can tell he isn’t the issue.
You seem unable to recognize that you are not owed anything.
Anything he said is irrelevant.
More than half the US population really is, in fact, horribly racist.
A small island nation to crush beneath the heel of your boot.
Or, if you don’t have boots, you can ask for those.
Telling other kids to stop talking because, if they didn’t, they’d get in trouble.
Meat and bone scraps are so great to cook with.