Looks blue to me although I’m sure there’s some green blended in there. But yeah, blue. Turquoise is probably closest.
Looks blue to me although I’m sure there’s some green blended in there. But yeah, blue. Turquoise is probably closest.
It didn’t explain 99% of the show’s mysteries and made everyone feel like they wasted hours of their lives watching the series. The entire series was complete dogshit and is a classic example of what happens when writers get their heads too far up their asses. They feel like they have to make every episode have like 8 “twists.” Complete garbage.
I miss movies like Scary Movie. You’ll never see anything like that ever again.
They are stupid but Jim Carry nails the role and it’s objectively funny. Definitely worth watching both of them.
ITT: young people who never saw this masterpiece of a movie.
Because they are.
If it doesn’t then I’m not interested.
Thx. Is this all stated on the nsfw instance info page?
Downvotes show up for me. I can see posts that are down voted at least. Maybe it’s just on my end then. Good to know.
Well people upvoted my comment and no one down voted it. So it seems you’re the only one with a problem? It seems most people value suggestions to make the community a better place. I’m not sure why you do not.
Also yes, I feel bad that OP thought it was directed at her. Luckily, I responded and cleared it up and she understood that it was not directed towards her. Humans and animals have this neat little skill called communication. You’d be amazed what communicating clearly can solve. I clearly communicated to her that it wasn’t about her, and everything is good now. The end result was good.I don’t see the issue here.
So it is unnecessary to give mods suggestions on how to better moderate and clean up their community? Weird take but okay.
Sorry dude, there’s nothing you can do. They’re not going to change their beliefs regardless of what you say or do. Ya either gotta accept that this is who they are and find a way to work around it, or you cut off all ties and go your separate ways. It really sucks but there’s no reason to waste your energy on something futile. It will be a waste of time and just leave you disappointed and upset.
No no! Not for you! Not at all. Just stuff I’ve noticed in general.
Thank you for your moderation! Now just ban obvious onlyfans advertising and sympathy-bait titles and we’re golden!
Edit: examples of sympathy bait titles that I’ve seen here in the last few weeks:
“My BF said I looked fat. What does Lemmy think?” -(Obvious made up story and the person posting is clearly in great shape)
“I don’t have the best body but here it is!” - same situation as above
And lastly. “First post here and I’m shy. Please be nice.” - post history shows they’ve posted the same thing like 19 times over the past 3 days.
I would never take financial advice from random people on a message board.
Yes, people truly believe this. It seems obviously bonkers to you and I, because we have at least average critical thinking skills. The people who believe these things have way below average critical thinking skills. And there A LOT of these people. Just look at your normal bell curve chart.
Mods, you have a serious issue with misinformation in this Community. I suggest you guys work on a solution to combat this. Most of the replies in this thread are sharing blatantly false or misleading information. It’s honestly extremely concerning.
OP, please find information on this topic from reputable sources instead of asking random people on the Internet. DO NOT make financial/tax decisions based on what people here say.
The amount of blatantly incorrect information in the replies here is outstanding.
I don’t care about celebrities.
What’s wrong with exfat? I’ve used it dozens of time with no problems.
Edit: oh thought you meant wth pcs. You mean cars and receivers and stuff. Fair.