I have been on a scary movie adventure and would love other suggestions!
You ever seen 1408? Great movie, it’s a Stephen King. I think I’m gonna rewatch that one tonight
Watched this last night because of your comment, thank you!
I love when movies get multiple endings. Not a horror movie, but The Butterfly Effect is my favourite example of this.
This movie for me cemented Sam Neill’s acting range. From Dr. Grant with the dinosaurs…to this. This is also one of my favorite, if not THE favorite, sci-fi horror films of all time - which is kind of a tough genre to sell.
I love Event Horizon. I also love the theory that it takes place in the Warhammer 40k universe.
On the surface this comes across as SciFi, but it’s a true classic horror with a scifi backdrop. It’s essential watching for any horror genre fan, IMO.
Not sure what flavor you’re looking for but here’s some of the ones I enjoyed:
- Pan’s Labyrinth - fairy tale horror
- Gretel & Hansel -fairy tale horror
- Babadook - dramatic horror
- Mothman Prophecies - dramatic horror
- Hereditary - dramatic horror
- The Descent - adventure/action horror
- Jeepers Creepers - adventure/action horror
- The Mist - adventure/action horror
- The Crazies - adventure/action horror
- 10 Cloverfield Lane - adventure/action horror
- This is the End - comedy horror
- Shaun of the Dead - comedy horror
- Zombieland - comedy horror.
On my Halloween movie list this year I’m planning on watching
- Little Otik (fairy tale horror with stop motion & live action - looks artsy)
- Lamb (supernatural horror)
- Tigers are not Afraid (supposed to be similar to Pan’s Labyrinth)
- Midnight Meat Train (Clive Barker horror- one of Bradley cooper’s earlier movies)
Saw some other good ones already posted here - Event Horizon, Midsommar - so I think you’ll get a good list.
Creepshow (1982), best horror movie ever
Creepshow (the 80s one) scared the bejesus out of me as a kid. I had an irrational fear of going to get anything out of our car at night for longer than I want to admit.
Sounds like you’re referring to “The Hitchhiker” from Creepshow 2
Oh right - that was the that did it
All of the Hellraiser movies (some are great, some are not so great, but it’s worth it to work through all of them in order). The newest was kind of a re-imagining and you can start there if you want).
The Thing - the 1982 film is a classic, but the newest one is a prequel that came decades after the original movie- I’d recommend watching both, starting with the original.
All the alien movies. Some don’t consider Sci-Fi horror to be true horror, but these are essential watching. I consider it to be the best complete horror series of movies ever made.
Vampire’s Kiss (Nicholas Cage) - this is truly bizarre and if you are a Nick Cage fan it should be considered required watching.
Barbarian (2022) - simultaneously mind blowing and absolutely terrifying. Probably the best horror of the past 5 years.
The Mist - and mainly just for the ending which was a total mindfuck.
Train to Busan - This is a Korean made film (with subtitles) in the zombie genre, and is absolutely riveting.
World War Z - an outstanding zombie genre movie - one of the first zombie movies to feature fast moving parkour capable zombies as opposed to the slow moving classic zombies.
American Psycho - scary because this could (and does) happen and you could be standing right next to the next American Psycho right now and not even know it.
Maximum Overdrive - doesn’t get recommended a lot, but it holds up and is a great machine-uprising type of horror.
Event Horizon - propped up as SciFi Horror but this is a classic true horror just with a scifi backdrop.
I WISH there would be a modern remake of “Scanners”. Scanners is great horror from decades past but it just doesn’t hold up well to modern standards-it desperately needs a modern remake.
The Void is great if you like campy lovecraftian stuff
If you haven’t already, check out the V/H/S/ series if you’re a fan of anthology films and/or found footage. It’s easily my favorite FF series. The newest film, V/H/S/ 1985 came out last week and is awesome, but you can’t go wrong with any of them (except maybe the third one).
I’d personally recommend VHS 1994 to start with because I think it’s the most accessible and least offensive entry in the franchise
Just looked up 1999, looks like it was co-written and directed by Flying Lotus.
Will definitely have to check the series out!
If you didn’t want to answer, you didn’t need to write a comment, jeez.
(Jk, Nope is a great one).
I’m a fan of slasher flicks! I love the Scream franchise the most. Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and Halloween are all classic slasher franchises, though because there’s so many there’s some real terrible movies in there (Jason X…omg). But the crummy camp is part of the charm.
Jason X is an absolute gem and blows the roof off anything that came after Part V. Also worth mentioning that Friday the 13th (2009) is an amazing movie in its own right and one of the best slashers of the 2000s imo
Event Horizon.
A little older, but Braindead (aka Dead/Alive) is a really great early 1990’s horror. It is one of Peter Jackson’s earlier films. It is a really good body horror that has a good sense of humor.
You can stream the whole movie on YouTube.
Here are a few worth watching in no particular order or selection
I occasionally do Halloween film marathons in October (haven’t gotten around to it this year, unfortunately), but if you want some good recommendations, check out the archives of my review blog.
If you’re on mobile, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “View web version.” On the right is a Blog Archive category with dates. Expand each year and click on October. You’ll see a list of all my scary movie reviews.
Be aware, some reviews have spoilers. I’m pretty good about mentioning it in advance in the review, but you can check at the end of the review, in the Labels section. If it says spoiler, avoid that review unless you want that film spoiled for you.
Hmm… maybe I should make a Halloween movie marathon label so people can quickly browse scary movie reviews. I’ll work on that later today.
A less popular one that was surprisingly awesome was His House. Its a Netflix movie but you should be able to find it a few other places as well (🏴☠️). I really liked it. Unique, creepy, and pretty well made. Definitely recommend.
As Above, So Below.
Basically: trying to find the philosopher’s stone inside the Paris catacombs: hijinks ensues.