Wasn’t that why they installed Краснов in the first place?
Wasn’t that why they installed Краснов in the first place?
Fair point.
That’s scary shit. Hopefully this can slow down some.
This should probably make a lot of people here on lemmy very happy.
So… anything is a comic strip nowadays it seems.
That is probably true, and those that remain are possibly just entitled edgy teenagers that are trying to reconcile the fact that they’ve never been a part of something bigger than they are and aren’t smart enough to listen to people the that know how shit works.
I say this because back before the election, I actually spent the time to look through the comments of many of the people who were both-sides’ing the issues, and accusing everyone of being “genocide supporters.”
I found that the majority of them didn’t have jack shit to say about Palestine until around December of last year. This means that for two solid months, they seemingly didn’t give a shit.
They didn’t give a shit that is- until it became popular to.
And while I suppose there’s nothing inherently wrong with Designer Outrage™ as it’s at least helpful to raise awareness, it becomes obnoxious when they try and lord their pseudo-intellectual rhetoric over people that know better than they do- and then entrench themselves within an intellectually bereft justification to purposefully spoil an election where an entire country’s democracy is on the line.
They know exactly what they did.
They’ve all re-rolled new characters and are now playing as freedom-fighting heroes leading the charge for everyone to stop pointing fingers and laying blame.
Ironically, they’re asking everyone to fight for the same freedoms they’d have had if they’d have stopped pointing fingers and laying blame prior to the election.
Fucking hilarious. Serves them right.
I’ve never been one to revel in the misery of others, but…. I am now.
I have not one ounce of sympathy for the suffering they will cause for themselves, but I do feel a tremendous weight of sadness for those that did everything they could to try and stop is from happening and still have to suffer along-side those losers.
What is everyone doing wrong?
Failing to even try to understand the fact that nuance touches everything in between the margins of the less complicated and oft-overused black-and-white polarization of damn near everything under the sun.
The smug entitlement it takes non-voters to think that it’s the voters that are to blame for this blows my mind.
Especially when it was those the voted that tried to warn everyone this exact thing was going to happen.
Dipshit in chief and his butthurt-prone sidekick will probably sue.
I’m sure he’s going to be facing lawsuits from Краснов and Wormtongue any day now.
Cowardly little Краснов. I’m sure he’d cry for mommy because all the scary people don’t like him, but she’s probably on the banned list.
Aren’t most incels men?
Prior to this news, I had no idea who she was. And now, thanks to all the cowardly conservatives- I’m hoping that like me, others are being made aware of- and have been given additional reason to support the LGBTQ+ more than ever before.
Let’s do what we can to ensure this shit backfires fabulously in their smug faces.
Yeah… she’s fucked. I wouldn’t be surprised if they anull every non-hetero marriage. And sadly, all the faces eaten by leopards will be of little consolation to those hurt by this.
Though most Americans support same-sex marriage, the court’s conservative shift is concerning.
This is all anyone needs to understand on the subject. They don’t give a shit about what the majority wants anymore- as they’re making it known far-and-wide that they are no longer employed by us. They’re employed by themselves.
There’s dumb people all over. They’re not just here in America. Some people won’t see nuance or reason, but instead, what they want things to be.
Probably my pulse. I find that very few if any AI models have a pulse.