Yes thank you captain obvious. I know how mutually assured destruction works.
I am very aware that both the UK and France have nukes. The way he worded his comment I thought he was talking about America giving Canada nukes, but the UK and/or France make more sense given the hypothetical posed by the original post. I was responding to the comment while I was on the phone. Divided attention n all that.
Dont talk down to people like that. Its condescending and you have no idea how intelligent anyone actually is based off one comment. You know what they say about making assumptions.
You need to start understanding that the US is not the defender of democracy anymore. When people talk of protecting democracy, no one is thinking of getting from the US because you’re the ones we’re trying to defend against. With each passing day your country is becoming the enemy of democracy.
I know this may be difficult to accept, but the US may become the great villains of the 21st century just as the Nazis were the villains of the 20th. We all hope that that won’t happen, but we see the signs and we have to be prepared to defend democracy from US aggression.
Back then, nukes didn’t exist.
Just donate some nukes to Canada, and Canada can threaten M.A.D. if it capitulated.
Ya think France has nukes in Saint Pierre and Miquelon?
That’s a very fair and excellent question. Now I’m wondering that too.
Good point. I hope they do.
I doubt it, but that could change.
deleted by creator
Nothing to see here, though. That, um, was a tall subterranean grain elevator. Thanks for thinking of us. Yeah, great weather we’re having.
Just a NATO excercise… 😅
The whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you keep it a secret!
Listen I would give Canada some nukes, but something tells me America is currently not inclined to give Canada anything lol.
Bruh, we were literally talking about the UK and France, both are nuclear powers, they have plenty of warheads. Did you not know that? 🤦♂️
You don’t need a lot, just like 20 warheads will kneecap the entire US.
They don’t even have to use it, just threaten to use it.
Yes thank you captain obvious. I know how mutually assured destruction works.
I am very aware that both the UK and France have nukes. The way he worded his comment I thought he was talking about America giving Canada nukes, but the UK and/or France make more sense given the hypothetical posed by the original post. I was responding to the comment while I was on the phone. Divided attention n all that.
Dont talk down to people like that. Its condescending and you have no idea how intelligent anyone actually is based off one comment. You know what they say about making assumptions.
Something something we all get some ass.
Reading comprehension is hard
You need to start understanding that the US is not the defender of democracy anymore. When people talk of protecting democracy, no one is thinking of getting from the US because you’re the ones we’re trying to defend against. With each passing day your country is becoming the enemy of democracy.
I know this may be difficult to accept, but the US may become the great villains of the 21st century just as the Nazis were the villains of the 20th. We all hope that that won’t happen, but we see the signs and we have to be prepared to defend democracy from US aggression.