inb4 the uncommitted claim Kamala would’ve done the same thing.
inb4 the uncommitted claim Kamala would’ve done the same thing.
Yeah it doesn’t even make sense. Nitroglycerin was used in mining before dynamite was invented. Usually they’d just have some minority (Chinese most commonly I think) just carry it in. One little bump and boom, that person is dead. So the Invention of dynamite saved a lot of lives.
Also it’s not like he invented gunpowder. A story about Mr. Gatling having deep regrets over his invention I could believe. But a guy inventing something that saved a lot of lives in the mining industry? And remember the invention of dynamite was after the US civil war, so warfare was already extremely bloody at that time without any dynamite involved. And how often is dynamite actually used in warfare as opposed to other kinds of explosives?
Seems like different scenarios. The person with the iPhone chose to buy it even though alternatives exist. Of course if the person didn’t know when they bought it, not much they can do.
But the guy saying the car should have seatbelts, unless he’s Henry Ford, didn’t make that decision.
I’ve never won the lotto, but I feel like there’s probably more than a week of paperwork to deal with before you get your money. And they don’t do a draw every day.
I think Biff Tannen’s idea of sports betting would be the way to go. There’s always games happening somewhere to bet on and you could do a lot of bets on which player gets the next point and stuff like that on those online sports betting apps they’re constantly advertising.
Needs a Sonic 3 cartridge plugged into a Sonic & Knuckles cartridge plugged into the 32X plugged into the Genesis to get the full Sega experience.
We can definitely let you in, but only if you promise to swap General Motors for Volkswagen ;)
We may not have a choice, Trump’s tariffs may kill GM.
There is a Volkswagen EV plant that’s being constructed in Canada now, and we’re totally cool with more things like that happening ;)
Yeah it definitely sucked when the British Empire was dominant. But when their power declined, we had two world wars.
Yup, and he also said he had powers some would consider unnatural… which is a reference to have dark side powers over life and death. Also some rebels mentioned cloning and magic as possible explanations (re-iterating it for people that didn’t get the references) before Poe interrupted them to focus everyone on doing something.
Because Luke Skywalker said it’s legit? https://youtu.be/jDEqM3-hQuQ
There was a Russian state media reporter in the room tho.
Watch the interview. Trump is scared shitless over the potential of WW3 and UK and France have nukes. If NATO (less US) decided to do something in Ukraine, the most Trump would do is impose tariffs, which is something he was going to do anyway.
This interview proved Trump to be a coward.
That’s not how it works. MAD requires an existential threat to a country. Not simply the ability to maybe take out one city. You have to have the capability to completely destroy a country for MAD to take effect.
You also need second strike capability otherwise that one nuke is a target. Russia figures out where Ukraine’s nuclear weapons are location, they do a first strike. There’s a reason why most nuclear powers have submarines capable of nuclear strikes. Hard to take them out with a first strike.
Canada and Libya never had nuclear weapons.
Libya tried to develop nuclear weapons but never had them. Also they weren’t invaded, there was an uprising that toppled Qaddafi.
Canada was involved with the Manhattan Project, and could have had nukes, but decided against it.
What about Musk makes you think he’s polished? The time he randomly accused a diver of being a pedophile because he got his feelings hurt? Or when he told his customers to go fuck themselves? When he did a Nazi salute?
The dude is the the most idiotic and unpolished famous person ever.
Pope Francis made a bunch of new Cardinals from all over the world, so nobody knows what will happen.
Given the latest reports, the current Pope is either going to make a full recovery or died a week ago. We’ll probably find out in about a week.
Yes, completely legit people are well known for having a frontman (or frontwoman) for their operations.
This is the thought I’ve had too. This stuff takes a ridiculous amount of energy and energy costs money. Ah but they’re going to build big nuclear plants! But thos cost money to build and you have to pay nuclear engineers a lot of money to run them and buy the uranium… it’s going to cost a lot of money.
They have to figure out how to get it to 1/1000 of the cost it currently is to make any money off of it. They’ll need to cut so many corners that it probably not be much good at anything.
It’ll probably just used for big “data driven” corporations to use to analyze our data to try to figure out how to sell products that barely anyone can afford.
Because Trump actually does want to use economic warfare against an ally to at the very least gain control of Canada’s resources if not get get political control of Canada. Tariffs are coming next week.
May as well. At least then the cowards can’t block Ukraine from joining NATO because they’re scared shitless of Putin.