No caffeine, work out, get outside around sundown, take like half a NyQuil dose at 10pm, read in bed.
This is the exact advice I’d give, maybe take a full nyquil dose
Give up on life. Hope for reincarnation so that I can do better the next go-around.
I’d just deal with the lack of sleep and be tired the next day.
Lmao literally did exactly that on Sunday. I slept until 3 because of a hangover, allowed myself to pull things together, and then did house work before running errands. Sleeping again at 11pm was easy
I find after drunk sleep I’m still tired anyway and can sleep even after monging out and eating crap all day
Stay up until 11 and get back on schedule.
I both accept my inevitable fate of exhaustion for tomorrow as well as I take a bunch of melatonin before I go to sleep that night
Is this hypothetical or did you goof?
This is the situation I am in right now. It hasn’t happened for months but I really needed to catch up on sleep, apparently. It used to happen all the time and I would just pull all nighters but that started giving me really bad anxiety when I’d have to go out into the world on no sleep.
Thinking I’ll just take whatever sleep I can get then force myself out of bed in the morning, and try not to lose the plot with the irritating people I have to deal with at college.
Does melatonin work well for you?
I also struggle with insomnia. Most people who take melatonin don’t understand how it works. They pop it right before bed and expect it to make them tired. It doesn’t induce sleepiness per se. That’s probably more of a placebo effect if people are popping it at bedtime. I’d talk to a doc about a prescription option if you regularly struggle with sleep. Something like Trazadone is pretty safe and not addictive.
For tonight, just accept that tomorrow will be tough. You’ll survive it though.
Yeah, it works really well for me, but I also have taken it since I was young whenever I needed/wanted it, so it might just work well for me. I’d recommend starting with like a 5mg, give it an hour to work, then if you still don’t feel tired, I’d take another one.
Worst case you’ll still have to deal with the shitty situation with a slight melatonin hangover (I warn you in advance that it can happen, but it usually only happens if you take too much and it can’t metabolize before you wake up. You’re just very sleepy until it’s done)
Best case, you end up going to bed earlier than normal and you feel fine in the morning.
Good luck!
Take 2 benadryl at 9pm
Considering I slept 2 hours (1-3 PM) I would go to bed at 10-11 PM and still be fine. If I sleep more than 2 hours, well, go to bed anyways but don’t push myself that hard to sleep
Well, you should get roughly 7~8 hours of sleep so you go to bed around 11pm. Thankfully I don’t have any issues falling asleep.
If you slept in a lot and have a few extra hours in the bank, you could push that 11pm to like 1am or so. Just try to return to a normal sleep schedule ASAP.
I wake up at the same time every day. I usually go to bed around 11pm and wake up at 6am. Even if I go to bed a little later, like 1am or go to bed sooner like 10pm… I still wake up at exactly 6am. Once you do it long enough, your body just wakes up naturally. I always wake up a couple minutes before the alarm.
People really shouldn’t sleep in excessively on the weekend. If you have a healthy sleep schedule Mon-Fri and then go to bed at 5am Friday and Saturday night… you’re essentially undoing all the healthy sleep habit you build during the work week. Sleeping in a little is OK… so instead of 6am wake up 7:30am or something.
If the problem is you can’t fall asleep, there are the common tips. No screentime an hour before. Try reading a book in bed, that always puts me to sleep within 30 minutes. It’s easier to sleep if you’re eating healthy and exercising. Increase your A/C so that it’s around 70 degrees F and get under the blanket. And if you just desperately need to sleep because tomorrow’s an important day then I don’t see a harm in taking a benadryl. Just can’t make a habit out of it.
I don’t take any medicine. Instead I simply go about my chores, eat a healthy meal, avoid electronics after 20:00 and go to bed at the usual time, i.e. 22:30. After that just wait for sleep.
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