Wanted to use this to prank a colleague but SQL server accepts that as well lol
Wanted to use this to prank a colleague but SQL server accepts that as well lol
I read the no in the tomb raider 1 Lara croft voice
Do you think we use base 10 because we have 10 fingers?
Believe it dealt in rich text format rtf by default, think it was too limited for docx but I’m open to being corrected
This is probably a good thing even if real nudes leaked nobody would know if it’s real
I’ve got fed up of them changing how many hoops you go through to get to the old settings so I have the .cpl commands memorized that work no matter what computer you’re at
Appwiz.cpl ncpa.cpl for common examples
Tip for anyone using Google Chrome password manager they can access it from any other device by going to passwords.google.com in the browser and logging in (probably best in incognito if not your device).
Appreciate it grandson
I remember talking to a woman on the internet back in my teens (14-15 ISH) who I considered ancient
I’m now that age lol
I get that, it’s just it’s only good for certain topics and anything more niche or casual isn’t well represented. This place did get me into Linux again though haha.
I begrudgingly installed the Reddit app yesterday as I missed the content.
I think I gave cold turkey lemmy only long enough to give it a fair chance at filling that gap but now I browse both again now :/
Yeah my mum will need to sell up to live on through retirement and my dad has a much younger wife that is not blood related to me so I’ll never see anything there.
I managed to work my way to home ownership but it’s still a struggle.
I was asking a genuine question not trolling, if it’s true I’ll get an AMD card next!
Guessing amd has better Linux support? Been running Linux for a while on my laptop but my gaming rig has been a windows strong hold.
Not supporting intel 7th gen and back seemed pretty strong handed, even now they’re still decent processors.
And I know there are work-arounds but not for the average consumer
I asked my girlfriend who works in aviation security auditing I asked her what would happen and she said “you wouldn’t be allowed in” as it’s part of a visa questionnaire.
Where is a good place to start to learn about this conflict. I have no idea who is in the right here.
How do I search for the origin of this meme?