the main thing for you is to stay off your phone as well. Kids watch their parents closely and humans have an in built need for “fairness”, if they see you addicted to it they will never stop wanting to do the same.
the main thing for you is to stay off your phone as well. Kids watch their parents closely and humans have an in built need for “fairness”, if they see you addicted to it they will never stop wanting to do the same.
Yeah that’s not right. No other poll shows it being that high, but they found one they “agree” with and used that number lol
if you think both parties are the same you’re living in a fkn alternate reality. Only one part is seeking to end democracy in America and set up reeducation camps
Bro I don’t care about Palestine that much right now, nothing we can do there, that’s on Israel, Iran and the middle east, you better look in your own fkn back yard because dictatorship is just around the corner while everyone is worried about the next marvel movie and causes they don’t really have any power to effect.
okay, then welcome your next dictator Donald Trump and all that implies (Gilead like conditions, rescending civil and gender rights, requiring Christian worship or prison/execution, an end to all journalism and only Trumpian little red books where you pledge allegiance to him every day or get reported to the police)
Grow up bro, we don’t care about your pet bleeding heart topic, either vote for Biden or be prepared to be persecuted in a Trumpian dictatorship.
RIght, people just need to pick up a book and look at statistics on racism, sexism, etc and realize it’s better than it ever has been but the MAGAs are on the rise, panicking, and trying to set up a dictatorship with Trump, so go vote or lose it all.
turnout for young voters (at least in US history) has always been low, people don’t get into politics usually until they hit their 30s
We prefer millenial nomenclature thank you very much.
You don’t need to get “involved” just go get registered and fkn vote, It has a much bigger net effect that holding up signs on a street.
I just hope they stay safe. This stuff is extremely dangerous in Russia.
no bro just go into terminal and type out this arcane command with 20 options fr fr . easy! (and I use linux on the regular lol)
soon you’ll be old enough that 1 year won’t seem worth worrying about, I assure you. difference between 29 and 30 years is miniscule and in most contexts is unimportant.
Surely they can’t force say US browser companies to do this to browsers downloaded from the USA?
Mostly he’s famous amongst MAGAs and therefore dangerous and an awful person.
I did but I had already done all my research online and knew the exact car I wanted and how much I would pay and I didn’t deviate. All you have to do is put your foot down, be a stone faced asshole, you will break them.
I just don’t understand who they didn’t track it back to its source and leave a crater wherever that is.
doubtful, they know that ships have multiple ways to shut down their drones. It’s just to be a fly buzzing around the the metaphorical head of the ship
how do you guys get these things? I never see any summaries like that. I wonder if one of my adblockers is killing google AI lmao. Do you have to be logged into your google account? I never log into google any more.