Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth
Certain Android versions… when you go into any app settings you can disable mobile data or WiFi if you don’t want the app to access.
Tap and hold on the app -> app info -> network access -> block whatever you want.
I use SwiftKey and switch off the app access to the Internet.
Also trying out FUTO keyboard. Seems pretty good.
This was 5 years ago at a usd200mil multinational…
The email system was pop3. There were no document backups. There was no collaboration tools. There was no IT security. You could basically copy company data out and no one would ever find out. The MS Office license was bought singly. Ahem!
You can use Red Reader too.
A Surface RT … Slow, barely any software support. Totally lost whatever trust I had for Microsoft.
I’d definitely play an updated Freespace game.
FreeSpace 1 and 2!
I liked both Interstellar and Inception. I hated Tenet - on how the story was told and the inaudible sound (eye roll).
Check out Techlore. They had a video on this.
I highly recommend Chris Titus’ tool to debloat and switch off/remove unnecessary components.
You can also switch off Windows Updates and only allow security updates.
It is multiple tools in one place. Super useful and reliable.
Most providers/teocos have a Fair Usage Policy in their Terms and Conditions. It will spell out the max amount you can use under their “unlimited” plan.
If you exceed that amount, usually they will throttle your speed to a crawl which is also stated in the T&C.
The developer of Thorium has a fork of Firefox called Mercury. Hmmm… Some obviously didn’t check out the website.
Check out It is a fork of Chromium with performance and security improvement. Chris Titus recommends it.
Via Stremio
You can use an alternate number. But then… If they are upgraded to friend status, would you give them your personal number?
You can use Rethink firewall and dns on Fdroid to block the oneplus analytics and whatever you aren’t comfortable with.
Great movies. The sequels were good too.
Freetube and Grayjay. Grayjay has a desktop app now.