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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I owe a debt of gratitude to Gene and the entire crew. I was doubting my religion, and felt like I was losing my moral compass in the process. I was asking myself what type of person I wanted to be. The values that TNG showed me helped me in the 10 years since — being open to other cultures and their beliefs (Half a Life), to hold truth above others, and nothing can break that (Chain of Command), and to live my life more open, honestly, and fully (Inner Light)

    I condemn false prophets, I condemn the effort to take away the power of rational decision, to drain people of their free will–and a hell of a lot of money in the bargain. Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain. -Gene Roddenberry

  • I’m as liberal as the next guy, and i know this will definitely not be a popular opinion here, but honestly we need to stop giving homeless people a free pass and I’m fucking serious. A lot of these people do it only because they can get away with it. They need to know that what they are doing isn’t OK. It’s not the answer, there really isn’t a single answer, but we also can’t just keep enabling them. I say this as a person with a homeless meth addict sister, a brother in law who’s been on drugs his whole life and is currently in section 8, and a sister in law who got her shit together after being a homeless addict. I also have family who have volunteered full time at shelters and food banks

    Most of these homeless there are either addicts or severely mentally ill and need help. Of course I’m just referring to the addicts here, the mentally ill need help. Homeless families down on their luck aren’t included here, they typically know where support is and are using it.

  • This is a very simplistic take on a very complex situation. I have friends in Tel Aviv, I’ve visited their homes. Some were raised very orthodox jew in Jerusalem, didn’t even have internet most of their lives. I’ve been to the Western Wall and seen the Jewish people praying, while the Muslims watch outside the gate (they each have their own time they can go in).

    Talking with all my friends, the answer is always “it’s complicated”. It’s only religion so far as “we want to occupy the same space”. It kickstarted it, but that could have been anything – oil, water, ports, whatever. But since it turned to land, it became very politically motivated. Who can powerful countries ally with for key tactical military presence? For the people living there, how can I feel more safe?

    I’m kind of rambling, but there’s way too much to talk about in just a comment. But yea, the answer is that it’s very complicated.