My daughter was watching - I guess it was the current Mickey Mouse (?) - cartoons on Disney+ a couple nights back. These include Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc.
Only none of them look like the standard toons anymore but look like Disney had inbred sex with Ren and Stempy.
Even the humor and art is similar to that same style drawn by Kricfalusi where the characters all seem to be borderline psychotic and all the humor is based on shock value.
I actually like the new mickey tbh. I would describe it as steamboat mickey mixed with teen titans.
The adults used to make the same complaints when I was a kid. Some things never change.
Go ask highschool teachers what they think of the current generation.
SpongeBob, what have they done to you?
Teen Titans, what have they done to you?
Dexter’s Lab, what have they done to you?
Muppet Babies, what have they done to you?
Garfield, what have they done to you?
Tom & Jerry, what have they done to you?
Teenager mutant ninja turtles, what have they done to you?
Gummy Bears. Am I the only person who watched it? It’s on Disney+ atm. Absolute classic show.
Tail spin
Cartoon Network is a dead mall selling sloatmeal.
Loonatics, teen titans go, Ben 10. It’s a shame what companies do to such great things.
Where’s a remake of Biker Mice from Mars or Swat Katz tho
For real, I’d actually forgotten about the kats till now
Not really a cartoon (well, it kinda is now), but they took a hatchet to Sesame Street
My two year old loves Sesame Street. Having grown up with it myself, I can say it’s perfectly acceptable l and is in tune with this generations needs.
Is it my kind of perfect? No. But then again nothing is.
In what way?
It’s not so much that they cut it in half to 30 minutes, but more that so much of it is copy paste content. Having Anderson .Paak or Feist on is cool, but they got them to record 5 minutes then put that same 5 minutes in what felt like 6 episodes of the season for some reason. So much of it is 2D animated now where it used to have way more actual human interaction. It feels very aged down. Idk, it’s not awful by any means and the inclusionary aspect remains, but it’s not close to the same quality in my view
Part of that is because their mission statement isn’t literally regarded as radical anymore. When Sesame Street launched, and really up through the early 90s, it was radically progressive to have a kid’s show that tried to teach kids things, and more specifically targeted inner-city kids by using surroundings they would be familiar with. Most of us grew up with Sesame Street just being on the air normally, and most of us here didn’t live through the Senate hearings on public television. It’s a minor miracle shows like Sesame Street and Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood are regarded as mainstream and boring now.
Company plays off nostalgia for easy money. This doesn’t actually bother me because on the flip side of this is that the best quality cartoons have been made in past 20 years and it’s not even close.