There will be no prisoner swap for this one.
There will be no prisoner swap for this one.
I’m glad I turned down an offer from them back in the day.
Hospital officials said they found patients had been listed as accepting only donors with ages and weights that were impossible — for instance, a 300-pound toddler — making them unable to receive any transplant.
I don’t live in a swing state and I feel disenfranchised. My vote for president, for all intents and purposes, does not count in the current electoral college system.
I can’t wait for the compact to go into effect. Turnout in so many states would increase a lot.
However, my optimism is tampered by this supreme court.
B is the correct answer.
I think it highlights how a lot of these exams are just about the amount of information one can memorize.
I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. How would the government mandate a pay raise across the board? The government only has the federal minimum wage lever to play with. Somehow the law would have to say: all hourly workers must be paid 25% more. Would companies just increase prices by 25%?
Now, I’m all for reducing the work week to 32 hours. I’m tired of spending most of the week working and only having to 2 free days (of which one is usually spent doing home chores). But I’m genuinely curious about how this would be implemented without causing massive inflation.
I have to agree at least when I hear: “place your item in the tray area”. Just shut up!!
KC isn’t doing great. Not many opportunities to show her celebrating.
There’s no targeting of Latinos. This is more of an income level issue than race issue.
I take it this is just a hypothetical situation. Eventually it will be case.